How often and how long should I use the household remedies? | Household remedies to remove dark circles under the eyes

How often and how long should I use the household remedies?

How often and for how long the household remedies should be used depends on the degree of dark circles under the eyes. In general, there is no reason to use the above mentioned household remedies for a longer period of time. Especially a sufficient fluid intake and the intake of vitamins and minerals are measures that should generally be part of a healthy lifestyle. Direct application of cucumber slices, potato masks, green tea, coconut oil and ice-cold milk can be used twice a day until the dark circles under the eyes are weaker.

Home remedies as sole measure or supportive therapy?

Depending on the underlying cause, dark circles under the eyes can usually be treated with household remedies alone. Especially in cases of fatigue or dehydration, sufficient sleep and fluid intake can already provide for the reduction of dark circles within a few days. It can become difficult with eye rings, which are family related or occur with age. Here, further therapy may be necessary to reduce the dark circles sufficiently. It should be remembered that dark circles can only be relieved to a limited extent in old age, as they are part of the natural aging process.

When do I have to go to the doctor?

The sole occurrence of dark circles is in most cases harmless and therefore does not require treatment by a doctor. Instead, the dark circles should be seen as a warning sign of a change in sleeping habits and fluid intake. In a few cases, dark circles are a symptom of a disease. However, there are always other symptoms that can occur. For example, redness of the eyes and itching can indicate hay fever or other allergies, which should be clarified by a doctor.

Which alternative therapy can still help?

From the area of the Indian healing art Ayurveda there are different measures, which can help against dark circles under the eyes. This includes peppermint, for example. This can either be applied in liquid form.

For this, the juice or tea can be applied with the help of a cotton pad. Alternatively, fresh mint leaves can be crushed and placed on the eyelids. Cold is also an important aid that can be used for eye rings.

This is also evident when using ice-cold milk and cucumber. Alternatively, spoons can be used, which are placed in the refrigerator for a while before being placed on the eyes. Cool packs or ice cubes in an envelope can also be used.

In addition, there is sufficient fresh air, which is also important for the skin. This promotes the supply of oxygen, which strengthens the eyes in the eye area. The skin surface is also well ventilated, which can prevent dark circles under the eyes. Furthermore, connective tissue massages can help to tighten the skin.