How often and how long should I use the household remedies? | Household remedies to treat cystitis

How often and how long should I use the household remedies?

How often and for how long the household remedies should be used depends primarily on the symptoms of cystitis. Especially the regular drinking of herbal tea is very important and helpful in the case of cystitis, as a sufficient fluid intake generally contributes to the rinsing of the bladder. Parsley and radishes can also be used in larger quantities over a longer period of time without hesitation. In the case of cranberries, the possible interaction with other medications should be taken into account so that a safe intake can be guaranteed for a while.

Treatment of the disease only with home remedies or only as supportive therapy?

There are two forms of cystitis – the simple and the complicated variant. As a rule, especially in the case of a bladder infection that has occurred for the first time, it is a simple form. This usually heals on its own after a few days with sufficient fluid, heat and other home remedies.

However, if this is not the case, it can be a complicated cystitis. This should be treated promptly by a doctor with antibiotics. In this case household remedies should be used only supporting, since a complicated cystitis can have serious consequences.

When do I have to go to the doctor?

If a bladder infection occurs for the first time, a doctor usually does not need to be consulted.The cystitis often progresses without serious consequences and heals on its own after a few days with supporting measures. However, if this is not the case, a doctor should be consulted. A doctor must also be consulted if there is an additional occurrence of fever and pain in the area of the flanks where the kidneys are located. Likewise, medical attention should be sought in the case of recurrent cystitis or additional risk factors such as a suppressed immune system.

Which alternative therapy can still help?

Acupuncture can be used as an alternative therapy for cystitis. Here, certain points of the body are stimulated by inserting needles in order to promote the flow of energy in the body. For the inflammation of the bladder, the alarm points of the bladder and small intestine, as well as the kidney meridian are treated.

Also the approval point of the bladder meridian is included. Alternatively, an acupuncture massage can also be used, whereby no needles are used, but specific massage techniques of the corresponding points. A very important keyword for a cystitis is the sufficient drinking of liquid.

Water and tea, for example herbal tea, are especially recommended. At least two liters should be drunk a day so that the bacteria in the bladder can be rinsed out and the bladder cleaned. If such a large amount of fluid is not normally drunk, the amount can be increased slowly. In addition, certain drinks, such as coffee or red wine, should be avoided, as they do not achieve the effect described above.