How often should I drink black tea? | Black tea for diarrhea

How often should I drink black tea?

Especially small children should be careful with black tea because of its caffeine content. A good alternative here is camomile tea. If medication is taken, it should not be taken at the same time as black tea.

This is because black tea can worsen the absorption of medication.An interval of more than two hours should be observed to ensure sufficient exposure. The tea should be taken over the period of time over which complaints exist. It can then be drunk a little longer.

Since the diarrhea should subside within a few days, the tea should only be drunk for a few days. However, you should not drink excessive amounts of black tea over a longer period of time. The tanning agents contained in black tea lead to a reduced absorption of micronutrients, such as iron. Thus, a large intake of black tea over a long period of time can lead to deficiency symptoms.