How should I feed myself in case of finger arthrosis? | Physiotherapy for finger joint arthrosis

How should I feed myself in case of finger arthrosis?

There is no difference in diet for osteoarthritis of the finger joints compared to osteoarthritis in all other joints. The most important thing is a balanced, healthy diet. Foods rich in calcium, lean and low-fat dairy products, unsaturated fatty acids, high-fiber and fish products should often be on the menu.

According to studies, garlic, leeks and onions help to preserve cartilage. Millet is also said to have a very positive effect on the joint cartilage. A bad influence on the joint arthrosis have:

  • Very high-fat food, alcohol, cheese, coffee and too much meat should be avoided. You should also drink a lot, preferably water with a high electrolyte value.
  • Irregular meal times and fast food should also be avoided.
  • In general, being overweight naturally has a negative effect on the joints, as the person concerned has more wear and tear on the joints, as more weight is carried along.


A finger joint arthrosis is the wear and almost complete removal of the cartilage in the finger area. Finger joint arthrosis affects more women than men and therefore has a hormonal connection, but also an increased strain on the fingers over the years. In therapy, mobility is improved and pain is reduced.Self-exercises such as mobilization and strength building by kneading should be performed regularly. As additional supporting measures, a healthy, balanced diet, household remedies such as ointments or compresses and homeopathic remedies are particularly effective.