How symptoms manifest themselves in the child | Symptoms of a stroke

How symptoms manifest themselves in the child

In children, too, the symptoms depend on the location of the brain damage, but also on the age of the child. Among the most common symptoms in children under 1 year of age are seizures, in children from 5-10 years of age the leading symptom is hemiplegia.A hemiplegia in newborns is usually noticed only from 6 months. The children usually become conspicuous by disturbances in movement sequences, for example by sudden traction of a leg, inability to walk or faulty crawling.

If the children are already speaking, a regression in speech or even a classic speech disorder is possible as a symptom. Because children’s brains are not yet fully matured, the damage and thus the symptoms may not appear until months or years later. The actual stroke then proceeds silently. On the other hand, the chance of recovery is greater than with adults.

Test for Stroke (FAST Test)

The FAST-Test is a possibility for a quick initial diagnosis of the stroke. It is a test for an initial assessment based on clinical symptoms to confirm an initial suspicion of a stroke. FAST stands for Face, Arms, Speech and Time and combines all major symptoms of a possible stroke: a drooping corner of the mouth or a drooping eyelid (due to a one-sided paralysis of the mimic muscles) in the face, a one-sided paralysis of the arm (which can no longer be lifted (well)), a blurred speech or even the inability to speak can be clear indications of a stroke.

The T for Time stands as a reminder that in the event of a possible stroke, every minute counts and a doctor must be called immediately – Time is Brain! The most important thing then is to find out the exact cause of the stroke, because this is also the basis for emergency treatment. With the help of a CT or MRI in the case of a stroke, it can then be visualized whether the cause is a bleeding into the brain tissue (cerebral hemorrhage) or an occlusion of a cerebral vessel (cerebral infarction).