How the Neuroleptic Melperone Works

Melperone is a so-called neuroleptic, a drug that acts on the central nervous system and can be used to treat various mental and neurological disorders. It belongs to a whole group of drugs with the same mechanism of action, but each has a specific profile of action.

Special profile of action

Among neuroleptics, there are strong-, intermediate-, and weak-acting preparations. Melperone belongs to the medium group. Thus, its effect is only moderately potent, but its side effects are also moderate as a result. Its use is mainly in geriatrics, i.e., in the treatment of elderly people, because of its comparatively low side effects.

Effect of melperone

Melperone is a drug that acts in the brain. It occupies docking sites (receptors) for certain messenger substances (hormones) in the body and central nervous system. This downregulates the action of these messenger substances. Melperone exerts its main effect by occupying serotonin and dopamine receptors, which are located in certain parts of the brain. Serotonin acts everywhere in the body and performs a wide variety of tasks. Among other things, it controls emotions. If there is too much serotonin in the brain, it can lead to an anxiety disorder, which is why blocking the serotonin receptors with melperone has an anxiety-relieving effect. Dopamine also has many different functions. Excessive levels of dopamine in the brain are associated with psychotic symptoms, for example, delusions and hallucinations. By blocking dopamine receptors, melperone can alleviate these symptoms. In addition, melperone has a sleep-inducing and sedative effect (sedation).

Melperone helps with these complaints

Because of its properties, melperone helps with sleep disorders, restlessness, and anxiety. Conditions where these symptoms often occur include:

  • Depression
  • Schizophrenia
  • Certain personality disorders
  • Dementia

Melperone is also used in the so-called alcohol delirium, in which, in addition to the above-mentioned complaints, states of confusion also occur. Melperone is used primarily in geriatrics, because unlike other sedating psychotropic drugs, it does not have a muscle-relaxing effect and therefore does not pose an increased risk of falls for the elderly.

Dosage of melperone

The dosage of melperone must be determined individually by the treating physician. How many tablets the doctor prescribes depends on the severity of symptoms and what effect is to be achieved with the drug. In addition, age, secondary diseases and the weight of the patient play a role. It can take several weeks for the full effect to occur.

Side effects of melperone

In addition to nausea and vomiting and occasionally allergies, low blood pressure (hypotension) and cardiac arrhythmias may occur. A side effect typical of the neuroleptic group is extrapyramidal motor syndrome. This involves muscle twitching, cramps and movement disorders. If these symptoms occur, melperone must be discontinued immediately, as extrapyramidal motor syndrome cannot be cured in its later course. Driving ability may not be present during the first few days after taking melperon, so check with your doctor.

Drug interactions

Melperone cannot be combined with any other drug. The package insert will tell you which other drugs can lead to dangerous interactions. Under no circumstances should melperone be taken with alcohol or other neuroleptics. Drugs that also act on the brain, such as some sleeping pills, tranquilizers or painkillers, should also be used with restraint. This is because the effect of melperone may otherwise be enhanced, resulting in increased drowsiness, drowsiness, and even breathing difficulties.

Contraindications to the drug

The contraindications to melperone are many, which is why you should only take the drug after consulting your doctor. Known contraindications include allergy to the active ingredient butyrophenone, liver dysfunction, and a history of so-called malignant neuroleptic syndrome. In principle, melperone is not suitable for children under 12 years of age.Special care should be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as there are no studies on the use of the drug in this regard.

Directions for use of melperone

Melperone tablets often contain the saline form of the active ingredient, melperone hydrochloride. It belongs to the group of butyrophenones, which are derived from the opioid pethidine, a powerful painkiller. It is important to note that melperone should not be taken with milk, coffee, or tea, as it may form compounds that are difficult to dissolve in the digestive tract.