How the Soul Heals the Body

The question of whether and how the body and soul influence each other has preoccupied people ever since there was written evidence of disease and health. Psychosomatic approaches to explaining the development and course of disease have also long pointed to connections between the psyche and the body. Until a few years ago, however, it was only possible to speculate about the biochemical preconditions for such connections, because too little was known about the functioning of the immune, nervous and hormonal systems. Treatment approaches from natural medicine were quickly put into the esoteric corner and ridiculed by conventional medicine. That has since changed.

Psychoneuroimmunology: connecting soul, body, and defenses

With the realization that there are simply no physical causes for some ailments, interest in the psychological causes grew. This has since given rise to a separate branch of research, PsychoNeuroImmunology (PNI). PNI links the soul (psycho), the nervous system (neuro) and the body’s defenses (immunology). Psychoneuroimmunological research findings impressively document that these three systems are in close information exchange with each other. This biochemical network is the experimental basis to explore how behavior affects the immune system. While the psychological component of some diseases has long been accepted – for example, gastric ulcers or high blood pressure – it was only cancer and HIV that led to a real rethink. There are two approaches to activating people’s self-healing powers:

  • For existing diseases, relaxation and visualization techniques are used.
  • Treatment approaches from psychoneuroimmunology are to ensure that diseases do not arise in the first place.

Mind-body medicine: help for mind and soul.

The practical implementation of PNI research results is the so-called mind-body medicine. Here, spirit, soul (mind) and body (body) are treated together. The beginnings of this therapeutic approach lie in the USA, where, for example, relaxation and anti-stress programs have been shown to have a positive effect on stress levels and defenses in HIV patients. Relaxation programs also help in cases of unfulfilled desire to have children. Many women become pregnant when they relieve themselves of the pressure of wanting to have a child. Stress initially has a very important meaning for the body. It puts the body on alert, so to speak, and in a heightened alert mode. Adrenaline levels rise, heart rate and blood sugar go through the roof. This mechanism, which has provided increased chances of survival in dangerous situations since time immemorial, is out of whack in modern society. Instead of wild mammoths, we are now chased by deadlines, a need for money and time, career aspirations and other excessive demands. Where once the stress level rose only for a short time, today permanent overstrain is the order of the day. And this is where PNI’s research terrain lies.

First model tests in Germany

While mind-body medicine is already practiced relatively frequently and intensively in the USA, access to this field of work is still being sought in the Federal Republic. In a model trial at the Knappschaftskrankenhaus of the Essen-Mitte Clinics, Department of Naturopathy and Integrative Medicine, a concept was developed that combines conventional medicine, naturopathy, and American mind-body medicine. According to this approach, illness always has three causes:

  • A biological cause (e.g., a specific genetic disposition or a virus).
  • A psychological component (eg, stress or problems with their own personality structure).
  • A social component (eg, the family situation or problems at work).

“Order” in mind and spirit

During treatment, patients should primarily learn to activate their self-healing powers. For this purpose, in addition to the conventional medical measures, for example, physiotherapeutic treatments, naturopathic approaches or acupuncture are used. One of the cornerstones of treatment is so-called order therapy: here, patients learn to bring “order” to their mind and soul. Because every serious illness requires a reorientation of life, this is an approach to revising patterns of thinking and behavior. This approach is also used in cancer treatment. These therapies are supported by exercise and conscious nutrition.Accordingly, anti-stress programs can also be carried out at home. Since stress is unavoidable in life, one should learn to deal with it positively. The tips of the experts are as simple as they are effective:

  • Lower the standards. You don’t always have to do everything perfectly! Who has this claim, puts himself constantly under pressure.
  • Think positively! The question of the glass half-full or half-empty is an assessment with different results. A positive attitude towards yourself helps to better cope with stressful situations.
  • Let out frustration and stress. Sports are simply good for you. The physical exercise reduces tension and releases “happy hormones“.
  • Laughter is healthy. Humor helps to relax, laughter stops the release of stress hormones. In conjunction with targeted breathing training and “breathing away” from stressful situations can slow the heartbeat and relax the muscles.
  • Live consciously and enjoy. This includes healthy food – fruits, vegetables, whole grains and little alcohol. Much and good sleep: Who is well rested, can cope more easily with many problems.