How to clean this type of braces? | Braces behind the teeth

How to clean this type of braces?

In general, internal braces are already better cleaned by the anatomical position, because the tongue constantly cleans them unconsciously. The tongue muscle scrapes and touches the internal braces permanently and thus removes food residues. Scientific studies have shown that internal braces are better cleaned than external braces. However, it is more difficult for the user to clean the braces because they are difficult to reach. For cleaning, interdental brushes and regular professional tooth cleaning are recommended about 1-2 times a year.

What is a permanent retainer?

A retainer is an orthodontic wire that is inserted after the treatment of straightening the teeth is completed. This wire is placed inside the teeth in the upper jaw as well as in the lower jaw from canine to canine and is fixed with a liquid plastic. Its function is to maintain the position of the teeth after the treatment.

This wire must be inserted because teeth always tend to return to their original position, even after orthodontic treatment. Therefore, the doctrine is to wear the retainer for a lifetime, but it does not impose any restrictions. After a short period of getting used to it, it is hardly noticeable to the patient.

It is advisable to have the retainer checked every six months in order to guarantee the optimal fit and function and to notice any loosening of the plastic quickly, as bacteria can multiply unnoticed at this point and form caries as a result. It is therefore important to clean the retainer well and to have the tartar removed regularly by the orthodontist or dentist to prevent the formation of caries. Regular professional dental cleaning is also recommended.

Pain due to the internal braces

The inner braces can irritate the tongue by reducing the space for the tongue. The tongue is constricted and can also hurt during the acclimatization period because the wire scrapes against the tongue and injures it. The tongue must first get used to the reduced space.

However, this pain and injury disappears completely after a short acclimatization period, as the tongue adapts and adapts to the new condition. In the case of a very large tongue, lingual technique is not recommended, since the wearing comfort cannot be adjusted and the acclimatization pain does not disappear.