How to fight jealousy | Jealousy – When is it too much?

How to fight jealousy

The feeling of jealousy is quite natural, but if one of the parties involved suffers from a feeling of suffering, one should try to find a strategy to deal with the jealousy. The most important step is for the person concerned to realize that his or her jealousy is harmful to a good interpersonal relationship. In principle, the feeling can be brought under control, as long as it has not yet developed into a delusion and an insight is present.

The next step is to get to the bottom of the cause. This often has nothing to do with others but with the own need to be loved or the fear of being abandoned. It is then important to accept oneself and possibly work on reasons from childhood or key experiences.

These aspects can be taken up for example in the context of a psychotherapy. Furthermore, one should try to strengthen the self-confidence and eliminate possible dependencies on the partner. For this purpose it can be helpful to develop social contacts or to find new hobbies.

If jealousy gets the upper hand, cognitive behavioural psychotherapy may be necessary. This is especially true if the person concerned suffers from strong self-doubt and fear of loss which puts the relationship with the other person to the test. In behavioral therapy, self-confidence is trained, so that self-confidence is promoted and jealousy should be better controlled.

Approximately 10 to 30 sessions of 50 minutes duration are necessary for this. The worse the jealousy is, the more sessions are needed. Psychoeducation is also practiced.

This means that the person concerned is informed about the origin and effect of the emotion. The evaluation of feelings and physical reactions is also reassessed by the therapy, so that the self-image is improved and the patient learns to deal with the emotions better.Behavioral therapy is a step in which you learn all the necessary techniques to deal with jealousy. Thereby the therapy serves as a help for self-help.

If you are open and motivated for the therapy, you can achieve a lot and learn to deal well with your feelings. In homeopathy we try to get the feeling of jealousy under control by means of Natrium muriaticum (also: Natrium chloratum), Pulsatilla or Apis. Depending on the reason for the jealousy, a different remedy is used. It should be noted, however, that homeopathic measures are not necessarily sufficient and psychotherapy may have to be started. On a trial basis, homeopathy can be tried out in mild forms or as an adjunct to therapy.