How to get white teeth without damaging them? | How do you get white teeth?

How to get white teeth without damaging them?

Tooth whitening without damaging the teeth is possible. Most tooth darkening is caused by plaque or discoloration from certain foods such as coffee, tea, red wine or the consumption of nicotine. These discolorations can be removed by a professional tooth cleaning (short: PZR) at the dentist within one hour, so that the teeth shine again.

During this treatment, all under and over the gums are removed with special instruments. These include tartar, which is formed by mineralization of remaining plaque by saliva, and concrements, which are tartar underneath the gums. Even the regular performance of a PZR can be a measure that leads to visibly whiter teeth in the long term.

With the help of a tooth cleaning and the additional performance of a professional bleaching, the teeth can be lightened by several tooth colors and thus teeth with a beautiful white appearance can be achieved. The resulting whitening lasts longer or shorter, depending on your home dental care. Also the consumption of nicotine, coffee, tea etc.

can quickly worsen the beautiful effect again. Professional tooth cleaning is subsidized or even covered by some health insurance companies, but some insured persons have to pay for the tooth cleaning completely themselves. Many dental practices offer in combination with the PZR the treatment with Airflow, which in some practices is even included in the cleaning.

Airflow is a procedure in which a mixture of powder, water and air dissolves hard stains on the teeth, comparable to a gentle sandblaster. The eyes of the patient are covered with protective goggles. The powder reaches places between the teeth that are difficult for the patient to reach and can provide a long-lasting whitening. Nevertheless, the method with Airflow should not be used too often in order to avoid loss of tooth structure. The recommendation for a gentle application is 1-2 times a year, which both maintains dental health and whitens the teeth beautifully in the long term.