How to Prevent Diseases of Civilization

In the past, man was forced to walk or run a lot. However, our modern life with the various means of transportation has led to the fact that regular exercise and sports in many cases come up short. Yet it is physical activity that is particularly important for health and for the prevention of many diseases of civilization.

Why sport is so healthy

The supply of all body cells with oxygen and glucose must be ensured at all times. During physical exertion, the body burns energy in addition to its basic needs. Therefore, the circulation is cranked up, the heart pumps more blood per unit time through the blood system. The metabolism “runs” at a higher level even after hours. In addition, the musculature is strengthened and the susceptibility to infections is reduced.

Regular exercise increases our life expectancy, reduces the risk of cancer, strengthens the cardiovascular system and prevents diseases of the musculoskeletal system such as osteoporosis. Sport drives away bad moods and even increases the fitness of our gray cells.

Start slowly

Beginners, people with pre-existing conditions or with risk factors (obesity, diabetes, lack of exercise, high blood pressure, smoking, elevated blood lipids) should consult their doctor before starting any exercise. Exercise is best started slowly and the load gradually increased. Optimal exercise is 20-40 minutes 3 to 4 times a week. Avoid overexertion – sport should be fun and not become torture. The fun factor also makes it easier to persevere, especially in the beginning.

Nutrition and fluid intake

After sports, you should make up for the loss of fluids with mineral water, drink even more in the heat. The diet should be low in fat, carbohydrates and fiber. Even at an advanced age, exercise and sport should not be dispensed with. However, it is important to adapt the type of sport to the age and to pay attention to versatility (endurance, strength, mobility, coordination). If you are taking medication, you should ask your doctor for advice on what to consider.

Schedule recovery periods

After exercise, a pleasant fatigue usually sets in. So that the body can recover in peace, you should pay attention to sufficient sleep and regeneration. Especially after a strenuous workout, you should still schedule a few exercises to loosen the muscles and relax. If you have a cold, aching limbs, flu or fever, or suffer from any other acute illness, stop exercising. Then start again with smaller training units and increase them slowly. To prevent injuries, every physical activity should begin with a warm-up phase to prepare the muscles and circulation for the subsequent stress. If an injury does occur, it must be healed properly. Under no circumstances should you continue training in pain. It is best to ask your doctor for advice.

Adaptation to climate and environment

Sportswear should be appropriate, functional as well as adapted to the weather and ensure good air exchange.

  • At high altitude: take into account the reduced resilience.
  • In cold weather: warm clothing, windproof, permeability to moisture to the outside (sweat).
  • In heat: adapted airy, permeable clothing, increased hydration.
  • In case of air pollution (eg smog, increased ozone levels in summer): reduce training, put sports in the evening or morning hours; in case of pollen allergies possibly shift sports activities indoors.

Exercise in everyday life

Physical activity is not necessarily tied to sports. You can also achieve corresponding effects in other ways: Use the stairs more often instead of the elevator, do short and medium distances on foot or by bike, leave the car more often and get off the bus one or two stops before. Even then you are already doing something for your health! People who exercise regularly are better able to cope with stress, feel better, look better and have better fitness. Sport with like-minded people in a group or club is even more fun. Just give it a try!