How to remove plaque


If oral hygiene is inadequate, food remains stick to the tooth. Bacteria decompose them and excrete substances harmful to the tooth. In order to care for the teeth optimally and keep them healthy for a long time, plaque must be removed regularly. Only in this way can carious defects and inflammatory processes of the gums and the periodontium be effectively prevented. The right toothbrush, the use of dental floss and interdental brushes, as well as the use of mouthwashes, help to keep oral hygiene healthy.

Dental care aids

The combined use of:

  • Toothbrush (electric or sonic toothbrushes are recommended)
  • Interdental brushes
  • Dental floss
  • Mouth rinsing solutions
  • Mouth shower

Remove plaque yourself

The removal of the annoying plaque does not necessarily have to be done by the dentist or a trained prophylaxis assistant. A professional tooth cleaning in a dental practice is not covered by most statutory health insurance companies and can cost up to 100 euros, depending on the provider. Plaque can also be removed at home with simple means, cheaply, comfortably and painlessly.

In order to effectively prevent the development of plaque, it is recommended to use an interdental brush and/or dental floss at least once a day in addition to regular tooth brushing. Furthermore, there are various care solutions that consist of oils (for example grapefruit or grape oils). The application of these solutions has a positive effect on the entire oral flora, gums and tooth substance.

As it is often impossible to reach the depths of the gum pockets with an interdental brush or dental floss, these oil-based solutions are an ideal supplement to daily oral hygiene. Furthermore, the use of baking powder for plaque removal is considered a miracle cure, because it is not only supposed to be able to loosen particularly stubborn plaque, but also to gently lighten the tooth substance. From a dental point of view, however, the use of baking powder is more than controversial.

On the one hand, this is due to the fact that it is assumed that the smallest particles of baking powder grind down healthy tooth substance and, on the other hand, to the sugar contained in it. After removing plaque with baking powder, the teeth should be cleaned again with toothpaste and toothbrush. Plaque can be removed painlessly and without problems by thorough oral hygiene. Even professional dental cleaning removes soft plaque without causing pain. Only the removal of tartar, i.e. mineralized and therefore solid plaque, can easily be unpleasant.