How to Remove Ticks Correctly: Here’s How!

If you discover a tick on you, fast action is important. Because the longer the animal remains in your skin, the greater the risk that the insect transmits dangerous Lyme disease bacteria (borrelia). We reveal how to properly remove a tick and when a visit to the doctor is necessary after a tick bite.

Danger from ticks

Ticks can transmit the diseases Lyme disease and early summer meningoencephalitis (TBE). To keep the risk of infection as low as possible, a tick should always be removed as soon as possible. Although transmission of TBE viruses begins immediately after the tick bite, it can take between 12 and 24 hours for Lyme disease viruses to be transmitted.

Remove ticks properly

If you have detected a tick bite on you, it is important that the tick is removed properly. Otherwise, namely, the risk of transmission of pathogens may increase. Therefore, remove the insect only with a tick card, tick forceps or special tick tweezers. In a pinch, you can also use a standard pair of tweezers. However, you should not use other “home remedies” such as rubbing the tick with oil or nail polish. By the way, it is not advisable – contrary to the frequently heard recommendation – to twist the tick out, rather you should pull it out carefully.

Tick card and tick forceps

Tick card and tick forceps are among the common tools used to remove ticks. The tick forceps are first placed on the skin to the right and left of the tick. The insect is then grabbed as close to the skin as possible and slowly pulled out of it. Shaking it gently may help make it easier to remove. Under no circumstances should you try to remove the tick with a jerk. A tick card is a plastic card that has a V-shaped notch on one side. The card is pushed under the body of the tick so that it is fixed in the recess. Then the tick is removed by a forward-upward movement. The advantage of tick cards is that they usually do not affect the body of the insect during removal. However, the disadvantage is that the ticks can partially slip through the slot. Tick hooks also work on a similar principle.

Remove ticks with tweezers

In addition to a tick card and tick forceps, ticks can also be removed well by using special tick tweezers. These are relatively pointed at the front and slightly curved. If you do not have such tweezers at hand, you can also use a standard tweezer. In principle, the tweezers are used similarly to the tick forceps: Grasp the insect with the tweezers as close to the skin as possible and then slowly and carefully pull it out of the skin. Regardless of whether you use tick forceps, a tick card or tweezers, once you have completely removed the tick, you should disinfect the bite site. It is best to use alcohol or an ointment containing iodine for this. If small black spots remain in the wound, this is usually no cause for concern: usually these are harmless remnants of the biting tools.

Finger away from oil and other home remedies

Often, home remedies such as oil, gasoline, alcohol or nail polish are recommended for a tick bite. However, you should better do without such home remedies. This is because they usually ensure that the tick dies. This can cause the tick to vomit its intestinal contents into the bite site, thus increasing the risk of transmitting pathogens. Therefore, remove the tick rather properly with the help of a tick card or tick tweezers.

What to do in case of complications?

A tick cannot always be removed without problems. We reveal what you can do then:

  • If the tick can not be removed at the first attempt, stay calm. It is quite normal that several attempts are needed when removing the insect. Do not become frantic or try to remove the tick by force.
  • If the tick is in a place that is difficult to reach yourself, you should ask another person for help.
  • If you are not confident in removing the tick yourself, seek medical attention as soon as possible. In general, however, the detachment of the insect from the tissue should not be a problem.

Tip: If you have found a tick on you, you should also carefully examine the rest of your body. After all, it is quite possible that you have more than one tick.

In case of doubt to the doctor

A visit to the doctor always makes sense after a tick bite if the bite site is very red or if the redness spreads. You should also see a doctor if the bite site is swollen, overheated or painful. If a circular redness appears around the bite site a few days to a few weeks after the tick bite (so-called wandering redness), you also need to see a doctor. This symptom, in fact, indicates Lyme disease.