How to support the function? | What are the functions and tasks of the spleen?

How to support the function?

If new symptoms such as anemia, a coagulation disorder or a palpably enlarged, pressure painful spleen become noticeable, the family doctor should always be consulted and an exact diagnosis and, if necessary, therapy of the underlying disease should be carried out. If there is an irritated or inflamed spleen, there are a few home remedies that can be tried out without hesitation. Nettle tea can be drunk three times a day, for example before breakfast, lunch and dinner.

The tea has an anti-inflammatory effect and promotes healing. Apple tea can also be drunk. This is said to help cleanse the lymphatic system and reduce inflammation.

To counteract the lack of appetite, a mixed drink can be made from apple and oat flakes. This supplies the organism with energy and provides the valuable properties of the apple for healing. Other household remedies are blueberry juice, which is said to support the lymphatic system, and rich soups or broths with artichokes or celery. The vegetables can be cooked with onions and some olive oil and are said to have a beneficial effect on the spleen.

How do you recognize a malfunction?

A diseased spleen can be palpably enlarged under the left costal arch and painful under pressure. Possible symptoms are anemia, fatigue, pain in the left upper abdomen, loss of appetite and an increased tendency to bleed in wounds. Since the spleen is responsible for cleaning the blood, moulting and storing blood cells.

If the spleen can no longer perform these tasks, i.e. filter and store blood cells, anaemia develops. Anemia in turn often manifests itself in the form of fatigue and weakness. Those affected can be short of breath and quickly feel exhausted.

Furthermore, various diseases of the body can lead to an enlargement of the spleen. The consequences are severe pain and occasionally loss of appetite. Pain is particularly severe in an inflamed spleen and is localized in the left upper abdomen.

In addition, however, many diseases associated with splenomegaly can cause pressure pain in the spleen below the left costal arch. If the spleen presses on the stomach due to its increased volume, this can cause a false feeling of fullness with a lack of appetite. As a result, those affected often lose weight.

Another symptom that can occur as a result of a functional disorder of the spleen is an increased tendency to bleed from small wounds. Since not only fewer red blood cells are stored, but also fewer platelets, blood clotting can be disturbed. A disturbed blood coagulation can manifest itself in the form of injuries that bleed longer.