How to Treat Retinal Detachment

If a retinal detachment is suspected, the ophthalmologist will examine the back of the eye through ophthalmoscopy. To do this, the pupil must first be dilated with eye drops. Then the ophthalmologist can look at all areas of the retina with a so-called ophthalmoscope. If he discovers cracks or holes that have not yet led to detachment, these can be treated preventively with laser therapy.

Laser treatment: prevention for retinal tears.

In this procedure, the laser beam is used to place point-like foci around the retinal defect, which scar after a few days and thus “attach” to the retina. This can prevent retinal detachment.

Laser treatment is usually performed on an outpatient basis. In most cases, visual acuity is somewhat limited for about a day afterwards, which is why you should not drive for 24 hours. In addition, you should avoid strong vibrations – such as sports – for about a week until scarring has occurred.

Recognize eye diseases: These pictures will help!

Surgery to treat retinal detachment

However, if the retina has already detached, surgery is mandatory. Various procedures are used: most commonly, a foam sponge (silicone plug) is sewn onto the sclera of the eye from the outside.

In this way, the wall of the eyeball is depressed, which reduces the traction of the vitreous humour and causes the retina to reattach. If different areas are affected by the detachment, the indentation can be done with a silicone band (cerclage) that is placed around the eyeball.

In rare cases, the vitreous must be surgically removed and replaced (vitrectomy). In this procedure, the vitreous body is first removed and a heavy fluid is placed in the eye instead, pressing on the retina. This is then suctioned out and the eyeball is filled with silicone oil or an air-gas mixture, which replaces the vitreous.

After surgery: reading and flying forbidden

The surgeries to treat retinal detachment can be performed under local anesthesia, though in some cases general anesthesia may be necessary. In most cases, patients must stay in the hospital for a few days and are not allowed to read for about four weeks to avoid “jerking” of the eye due to rapid eye movement.

If gas was used as a substitute for vitrectomy, air travel is off-limits for several months because the gas can expand due to the change in altitude.