How useful is periodontal prophylaxis? | Prophylaxis of periodontosis

How useful is periodontal prophylaxis?

Often periodontitis cannot be avoided despite normal oral hygiene. Therefore, intensified hygiene through supportive periodontal prophylaxis is a recommended measure for effective prevention of this disease. Although normal tooth brushing leads to the removal of a large part of the plaque, a complete removal is not achieved.

These plaques then cause inflammation of the periodontium and lead to bone resorption. The goal of periodontal prophylaxis is to keep the number of plaque as low as possible. By a good oral hygiene instruction and the use of interdental space brushes the patient can improve the condition of the gums by himself. Furthermore, professional dental cleaning (PZR) removes plaque from the hard-to-reach areas that cannot be reached on one’s own, which is why periodontal prophylaxis clearly increases oral hygiene and thus also reduces the risk of periodontitis.

Costs of periodontal prophylaxis

As in many cases, it is not possible to give a clear amount because many factors, such as the number of teeth, instruments used and duration, have an influence on the price. These start at 40 Euros and can even be over 200 Euros. On average, however, one should expect to pay about 75 Euro. It is also advisable to check with your health insurance company to see if they cover a certain amount. If you have additional dental insurance, it will also cover the costs of such treatment, depending on the conditions.

Is the treatment painful?

Whether periodontal prophylaxis is painful depends on the condition of the gums. If the gums are very inflamed, even simple tooth brushing can cause pain, and all the more so professional tooth cleaning. The reason for this is that inflammation releases certain substances in the inflamed tissue, which increases the sensitivity of the nerve fibers there. However, if there is no inflammation, it can be assumed that the therapy is not painful and there is no need to be afraid of it.