How well does the calorie consumption calorie counter on a fitness wristband work? | The Fitness Bracelet

How well does the calorie consumption calorie counter on a fitness wristband work?

Similar to the pedometer of a fitness wristband, the calculation of calorie consumption only works indirectly. By entering height and weight in the corresponding app, the software can calculate the calorie consumption by certain activities. As a rule of thumb, heavier people consume more calories and men consume more calories than women.

The movements of the fitness wristband are assigned to a specific physical activity by the manufacturer’s software. This inevitably means that calorie counting is more of an estimation based on the interpretation of arm movement as part of a physical activity. This is therefore also the criterion with which the accuracy of calorie counting stands or falls. The best way to assess the calorie count of a particular bracelet is to ask the potential wearer for advice based on experience.

How well does the pedometer on a fitness wristband work?

As already mentioned in one of the above sections, the bracelet is not able to count the steps directly. With the help of acceleration and motion sensors, only the movement of the arm or wrist is registered. Movement algorithms developed by the manufacturers match the movement of the arm to the movement of the rest of the body.

This inevitably leads to the conclusion that the step counting of a fitness wristband is prone to error. The step-counting function stands and falls with the quality of the motion and acceleration sensors on the one hand and with the manufacturer’s billing software on the other. To evaluate the pedometer, interested customers should read the relevant threads in forums to form their own opinion based on reports of their experiences.

Can a Smartwatch replace a fitness bracelet?

This question depends on the requirements of the sponsor and the money the buyer is willing to invest. Smartwatches also offer a variety of features that allow you to track activity levels.In addition to the functions of a fitness wristband, each Smartwatch has a real operating system, which means that it can have many more functions than a wristband. However, Smartwatches are aimed at a different target audience than fitness wristbands for ambitious athletes.

Accordingly, Smartwatches usually only have the sporty features of a mid-range fitness wristband, but are significantly more expensive. For those who are really only interested in the functions of a fitness wristband, a Smartwatch is not a real alternative. However, for those who are open to the increased functionality of a Smartwatch and for those for whom tracking their fitness activities seems to be of secondary importance, a Smartwatch can be a real alternative to a fitness wristband.