Humerus Fracture: Therapy

General measures

  • In the vast majority of cases, the humeral fracture can be treated conservatively with a Gilchrist or Desault dressing (immobilization for 2-3 weeks) because of the high potential for spontaneous correction:
    • <10 years:
      • Dislocation (displacement) by socket width.
      • Shortening up to 2 cm
      • Frontal plane up to 60° varus (if at bones or joints the angle located to the center of the body (= medial) is less than the norm), but < 10° valgus (if at bones or joints the angle located to the center of the body (= medial) is greater than the norm).
    • > 10 years
      • Dislocation
      • Frontal plane <30° varus,< 10° valgus

    To be included in the decision for conservative (non-surgical) therapy is the sexual maturity. Girls especially in southern European and Asian origin can be early adult.

  • Effective early mobilization is required!
  • Review of permanent medication due topossible effect on the existing disease.