Huntington’s Disease: Diagnostic Tests

Obligatory medical device diagnostics.

  • Computed tomography of the skull (cranial CT, cranial CT or cCT).
  • Magnetic resonance imaging of the skull (cranial MRI, cranial MRI or cMRI).
  • Positron emission tomography (PET; procedure of nuclear medicine, which allows the creation of cross-sectional images of living organisms by visualizing the distribution patterns of weak radioactive substances) – in case of evidence on hypometabolism in the corpus striatum (striatum for short; part of the basal ganglia, which belong to the cerebrum) (possibly detectable already in the early stages of the disease).

Optional medical device diagnostics – depending on the results of the history, physical examination and obligatory laboratory parameters – for differential diagnostic clarification and detection of Huntington’s disease or its sequelae.

  • Brain perfusion scintigraphydementia diagnostics.
  • HMPAO-SPECT examination – detection of inferior perfusion in the corpus striatum.
  • Computed tomography of the skull (cranial CT, cranial CT or cCT) – if hemorrhagic or ischemic infarction is suspected.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging of the skull (cranial MRI, cranial MRI or cMRI) – if hemorrhagic or ischemic infarction is suspected.