Hyaluronic acid | Spray on lips

Hyaluronic acid

When injecting hyaluronic acid into the lips, it is injected into the lips with a thin needle, thus increasing their volume. Lip spraying with natural substances derived from the human body is widely used, as the risk of allergies and foreign body reactions is low. Hyaluronic acid is a well-established substance in this case.

It is a component of the connective tissue and has the function of binding water so that the tissue becomes resistant to pressure and gets a full appearance. This is exactly what plastic surgeons use when injecting lips or under injecting wrinkles or dents to achieve beautiful and full results. There are various hyaluronic acid preparations to choose from.

Firstly, there is hyaluronic acid from cockscombs, which can cause allergies after the lips are injected, so an allergy test should be carried out beforehand. Recently, however, there is also artificially produced hyaluronic acid, which does not cause allergies and is therefore better in this respect than the animal preparation. As a rule, the injection of hyaluronic acid into the lips is performed under local anesthesia.

Side effects of hyaluronic acid

After the procedure, swelling of the lips occurs, which can last from hours to several days, and more rarely, bruising may occur. If too much hyaluronic acid has been injected, the lips may be enlarged too much. Asymmetries due to incorrect application can also occur.

Injection with a syringe into human tissue is always a potential source of infection, so that inflammation can occur. In order to minimize the risk of side effects, it is advisable to consult a specialist who will perform the procedure professionally. It is possible to purchase hyaluronic acid for self-injection of the lips.It goes without saying that the probability of unsatisfactory results and side effects is higher for self-performed procedures.

Durability and costs

Lip injections with hyaluronic acid last from about six months to a year and have very little risk. In terms of durability, the technique is comparable to other natural substances, such as autologous fat tissue. In comparison, however, the injection with hyaluronic acid is much cheaper. The costs amount to 300 to 700 Euros.