
Hypertrichosis is a disease of the skin that is associated with excessive hair growth in various parts of the body. The causes of hypertrichosis are various. Unlike hirsutism, for example, the increased hair growth is not the result of a hormone disorder and does not follow the typical hair patterns of men. Although the disease is harmless, those affected often suffer psychologically from the disease. Here you can find detailed information on the topic: Depilation

Types of hypertrichosis

There are a variety of forms of hypertrichosis, each with a different appearance. Basically, a distinction is made between congenital and acquired hypertrichosis. The congenital forms include the circumscribed form, which affects only a few areas of the body.

An example of this are so-called “Becker melanoses”. Here single, partly large moles are covered with long black hairs. On the other hand there are also two diffuse congenital forms, i.e. forms that affect the entire body.

With the one form, the fine Behaarung of the child existing before the birth (so-called Lanugobehaarung), that protects the child before the birth and then is repelled, remains at the arms and legs. The lanugo hair is usually still present in premature babies. The hairs are usually very fine and thin.

On the other hand, there is a congenital one, where the whole body is covered with thicker hairs, except for the soles of the feet and palms of the hands. This form is called “Hypertrichosis universalis congenita”. However, this form is very rare.

Besides the congenital forms, there are also several acquired forms of hypertrichosis. Some cancers are accompanied by unusual hairiness. The physician speaks of so-called paraneoplastic syndromes.

Hypertrichosis can also be a symptom of another disease. Thus, some skin diseases such as dermatomyositis are occasionally accompanied by increased hair growth. Extreme stress can also be the cause of hypertrichosis.

In severe forms of anorexia (anorexia), hair growth with lanugo hair occasionally occurs again. Certain drugs can also cause hypertrichosis. These medications include streptomycin (a certain antibiotic).

Psoralen can also lead to hypertrichosis. Psoralen is an active ingredient that can be used in dermatology against psoriasis and white spot disease (“vitiligo”), usually combined with irradiation with UV light. As the last form, there are ethnic and family differences in the extent of hair growth.

As a rule, Mediterranean skin types in particular have thicker and thicker hair than Northern Europeans, who in turn have thicker and thicker hair than Asians. These differences are especially noticeable in women, but usually without disease value. What can you do to get rid of the annoying hair?

There are a variety of possibilities, but not all are suitable for all forms and patients. The methods differ in effort, pain, cost, thoroughness and duration of effect. So here is an overview.

First of all, you should be sure that the increased hair growth is not caused by hormones. In this case the problem can be treated causally, i.e. at its root. Otherwise, the only remaining option is hair removal.

In the case of hair removal, a distinction is made between short-term and long-term removal, as well as the reduction of hair growth. The following short-term methods of hair removal are possible: As permanent solutions for hypertrichosis, there are electrical and needle epilation and laser treatment. Both are very time-consuming and expensive.

Another way to get rid of the annoying hairs in hypertrichosis is to inhibit hair growth. This is possible with a specific cream containing the active ingredient eflornithine. This intervenes in the cell growth and thus slows down the hair growth considerably.

However, the cream must be applied twice a day and the effect only lasts if the cream is used regularly. Unfortunately, the result is only successful in one third of patients, and one third each have only a moderate effect or no effect at all. Occasionally, skin irritations such as acne also occur.

Overall, Eflornithin cream is especially suitable for downy hairs on the face.

  • Shaving:The easiest and cheapest solution is to simply shave the hair. Contrary to popular belief, this does not promote hair growth or hair density.

    However, the hair grows back stubbly, because it is cut off and therefore has no slender tip.The shave must be repeated after three days at the latest.

  • Epilation: The hair is pulled out of the skin in different ways. This is somewhat painful, but you should rest for at least two weeks afterwards. In order to repeat the epilation, the hair must have grown back a good part and very fine hairs are not removed.

    An advantage is that the hairs do not grow back stubbly. Depending on the type of depilation, the procedure is differently expensive and takes different amounts of time. The epilation with tweezers is cheap, but very time-consuming.

    Waxing or sugaring is relatively expensive in the long run, but it is quite fast. There is the danger that hairs grow in and become inflamed. You can find more information on this topic under Epilation.

  • Hair removal creams: An alternative is depilating with chemical agents, i.e. depilatory creams.

    In this case the hair is chemically dissolved. Unlike depilation, this is not painful. It takes a little longer and lasts about as long as depilation.

    The hair grows back somewhat stubbly, but not as much as with shaving. Due to the chemical substances, there is a risk of intolerance, which is why you should test new products on an inconspicuous area of skin first. After 2-3 weeks, depilation can be repeated, as the hairs must have a certain length.

  • Electroepilation:In electroepilation, a tiny probe is inserted into each individual hair channel and then the hair root is destroyed by direct or alternating current.

    This is somewhat painful. This procedure is relatively old and therefore well tested. However, actually only small areas can be treated with it and there is a risk of scars and inflammation of the skin.

    Since each hair must be treated individually, electroepilation is extremely time-consuming and can only be performed by experts.

  • Laser epilation:Laser epilation is performed with a laser beam. This treatment is also painful and five to ten sessions are necessary to remove all hairs. Unlike electro-epilation, however, not every hair has to be treated individually.

    Therefore laser treatment is the gold standard for larger affected areas. A disadvantage is that laser epilation only works reliably with light skin and dark hairs. In addition, 3-5% of patients do not have good success even after six sessions.