Hypoglycaemia under metformin | Metformin and alcohol – is it compatible?

Hypoglycaemia under metformin

Sugar is very important for the body, without it, nothing would work in our body, because it is the fuel of the organism. From it the necessary energy is gained, which is needed for all body functions. Dextrose – glucose is needed for this purpose.

However, it is not necessary to supply the body with a pure form of sugar, as it can split it from carbohydrates itself. Depending on the form of the carbohydrates, or the sugar, this happens very quickly, or takes a certain amount of time. The sugar is absorbed in the intestines and is then supplied to the blood.

This means that it is extracted from the food through the intestinal villi in the intestinal wall and then goes directly into the blood, where it is transported throughout the body to the places where it is needed. However, if the sugar is not present in the body as pure glucose, the human body has so-called enzymes that break down the carbohydrates until pure glucose remains. If the body has a surplus of glucose, it is stored in the body in the form of glycogen and is thus available to the body in times when there is a shortage.

Hypoglycemia occurs when the body acutely lacks the required sugar. If it should not be treated, this can have far-reaching consequences. There are two different forms: the light form, in which one can still help oneself well with sugary foods or drinks, such as cola or glucose, and the heavy form, where one urgently needs an emergency doctor or other help, as one can fall into a shock-like state and coma and urgently needs glucagon preparations to be injected.

The symptoms are manifold. Initially, they are ravenous hunger, sweating, paleness, muscle weakness, trembling and palpitations. As hypoglycaemia progresses, these symptoms gradually give way to those that show a marked restriction of the brain.

These are motor disorders, speech disorders, seizures, paralysis, visual disturbances and so on. In the worst case, one can go into shock or fall into a coma. Since the brain is also affected, in very bad cases damage can also occur there.