I have many moles – what is behind them? | Black birthmark – How dangerous is it?

I have many moles – what is behind them?

There are factors that favour the appearance of birthmarks. On the one hand, there are hereditary factors, the skin type and the pigment melanin. Scientists assume that the probability to get numerous birthmarks itself is the more frequent, the more frequently birthmarks occur in the relationship.

In addition, light skin types generally have more moles than dark skin types. A light skin type and many moles in the family favour the occurrence of moles. A clear cause is not known.

Black birthmark after sunburn

The risk of a harmless birthmark degenerating into a malignant black skin cancer is strongly influenced by sunlight. Severe sunburn, especially before the age of twenty, increases the risk of developing melanoma. If you have often suffered from sunburn in the past and have a black birthmark, you should have it examined. A black coloration immediately after a sunburn is rather unlikely.