I recognize an overdose of folic acid from these symptoms | Folic acid

I recognize an overdose of folic acid from these symptoms

With an increased supply of folic acid, in the form of food, no negative effects are known so far. If folic acid is taken in the form of tablets, excessive intake can lead to complaints of the gastrointestinal tract and nausea. Long-term overdoses can also lead to depressive symptoms and seizures.

Furthermore, the increased amount of folic acid can conceal a vitamin B12 deficiency. Normally a vitamin B12 deficiency would manifest itself through gastrointestinal complaints and neurological symptoms. However, if too much folic acid is added, these symptoms can be suppressed despite an existing vitamin B12 deficiency. For this reason, consumers of folic acid preparations should always adhere to the maximum quantity or the recommended dosage. If there are any uncertainties regarding intake and dosage, the doctor or pharmacist should be consulted.

These can be the side effects of folic acid in the body

Folic acid is a vitamin that is naturally absorbed through food and is an important component for cell function and cell formation. There are usually no undesirable side effects when consuming foods containing folic acid such as spinach, avocado or egg. When taking folic acid tablets, an overdose can occur, which can then be expressed by symptoms such as nausea and gastrointestinal problems. Long-term overdoses of folic acid preparations can also lead to continued depressive moods or even seizures.


A daily amount of 300 micrograms of folic acid is recommended for adults. As a rule, the folic acid requirement can be covered by a healthy and balanced diet. Foods that contain folic acid include green vegetables such as spinach, avocado or beans.

But folic acid is also found in pulses and dairy products as well as eggs. Pregnant and nursing women have a higher folic acid requirement. This can be balanced by taking folic acid tablets. Nursing mothers are given a dose of approx. 450 and pregnant women of approx.550 micrograms recommended.