Iliopsoa training with the expander | Musculus iliopsoas

Iliopsoa training with the expander


The lumbar iliopsoas muscle (M. iliopsoas) is one of the most important muscles of our body and takes over the function of bending in the hip joint, and thus lifting the leg while walking. Elderly people often suffer from atrophied lumbar muscle and as a result have difficulty climbing stairs. A specific training of this muscle should therefore not be missing, especially in the training plan of older people. The use of an expander is particularly suitable for training this muscle, as a special device for this muscle is not yet available. If the feet are fixed during abdominal crunch in abdominal muscle training, this muscle is trained unintentionally.

Muscles that are used in bicep curl

  • Lumbar muscle (M. iliopsoas)
  • Quadriceps femoris muscle (M. quadriceps femoris)

The movement is similar to climbing stairs. The expander is knotted into a loop and fastened near the floor. The other end is fixed to the ankle of the foot.

In the starting position the leg is stretched behind the body. The expander is already stretched, the upper body slightly tilted forward. During the execution of the movement, the stretched leg is moved forward and upwards until a right angle is created between the upper and lower leg. The movement should be executed as slowly and controlled as possible, especially when moving backwards. In order not to lose balance, the hands can have a stabilizing function.

Fields of application

Health Sport Since this exercise trains the hip flexor, it should not be missing in any health sport training plan. The resistance of the band should be chosen slightly, so that between 25 and 30 repetitions are possible without problems. Fitness Since this muscle should be trained functionally, the number of repetitions is also higher in fitness training than in other exercises.