

Iloprost is commercially available as an infusion solution concentrate and as a solution for nebulizers (Ilomedin, Ventavis). It has been approved in many countries since 2005.

Structure and properties

Iloprost (C22H32O4, Mr = 360.5 g/mol) is an analog of prostacyclin. It is present in drugs as iloprosttrometamol, an oily substance that is sparingly soluble in water.


Iloprost (ATC B01AC11) has antiplatelet and vasodilator properties. It promotes healing of ischemia-related ulcerations and reduces pain in severe chronic arterial circulatory disorders.


  • Thromboangiitis obliterans (Buerger’s disease) with severe circulatory disturbances.
  • Advanced secondary Raynaud’s disease as a 2nd-line agent.
  • Pulmonary hypertension (administration with an inhaler).