Implementation of the HIV rapid test | HIV quick test – You should know that!

Implementation of the HIV rapid test

In most cases the evaluation is done according to this principle:

  • One stripe: No HIV antibodies were detected, so there is no HIV infection. A negative test result is only reliable three months after possible HIV infection!
  • Two strips: HIV antibodies were detected. The probability of an HIV infection is high, but cannot be confirmed with certainty.

    You should therefore urgently consult a doctor.

  • No stripe: The test was performed incorrectly and cannot be evaluated.

In an HIV rapid test, it is not the HI virus that is detected, but the antibodies against the HI virus. It is therefore an indirect method to estimate the presence of an HIV infection. Antibodies against HIV 1 and HIV 2 are tested and the CE marked rapid tests are too sensitive in some cases.

Although they do not miss any HIV infection, they give a positive result in 0.2% of the cases, although in reality there is no HIV infection. In such a case it makes no sense to repeat the rapid test. A medical HIV laboratory test is necessary to include or exclude the diagnosis of HIV.

To answer this question some statistical figures are necessary. If you have a high risk of contracting HIV and it is assumed that the HIV high-risk group makes up 10% of the population, for example, then according to statistical calculations there would be a 92% probability of HIV infection. The test result is available after about 5 to 30 minutes. It is therefore much faster than laboratory HIV tests.

Buy HIV quick test – Where and how expensive?

HIV rapid tests have been freely available in pharmacies and drugstores since October 2018. There are many different providers. Not every provider is good.

For a good HIV rapid test, we recommend only rapid tests with the CE mark of the European Union as well as an approval in Europe or Germany. In addition, a good rapid test should be confidential to laypersons. If information on sensitivity is available, we always recommend an HIV rapid test with 100% sensitivity.

These tests detect all HIV infected persons. However, you should know that a positive test is not sufficient, the HIV infection must be confirmed by a doctor. Good HIV rapid tests include those of the brand “INSTI”, “Autotest VIH” or “Exacto”.

The costs vary between 15 and 50 Euros. HIV rapid tests are available online for free in Germany since October 2018. Make sure that they are CE marked by the European Union and approved in Europe.

Instructions for use are often included in the product description, these should not be too complicated. Good HIV rapid tests include those of the brand “INSTI”, “Autotest VIH” or “Exacto”. The costs are about 15 to 50 Euro with additional shipping costs.

A positive test does not confirm the diagnosis of HIV. A medical confirmation is required. The cost of an HIV quick test varies between 15 to 50 Euro depending on the brand. It is strongly recommended to buy an HIV rapid test with CE mark of the European Union.