Individual Micronutrient Requirements

In Germany, an adequate supply of vital substances (micronutrients) is possible through a wholesome diet, taking into account the recommendations of the German Nutrition Society (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung e. V. (DGE) are possible.
However, the general availability of a rich, wholesome food supply does not always guarantee an adequate individual vital substance supply.

An individual additional requirement for vital substances (micronutrients) can be caused by, among other things:

Biographical causes

  • Biochemical individuality – genetically determined different equipment, e.g. with scavenger enzyme systems (radical-catching enzymes), which also means different sensitivity to noxae (e.g. alcohol, tobacco consumption, drugs); furthermore, e.g. genetically determined absorption, transport and enzyme defects or reduced synthesis (production) of enzymes etc., partly also acquired (e.g. due to illness). This different body chemistry leads to individual nutritional needs.
  • Life phases
    • Children/Adolescents
    • Pregnancy/breastfeeding phase
    • Age: malnutrition and malnutrition in old age.
      • Unbalanced and insufficient food intake.
      • Decreased enzyme activity
      • Impaired membrane functions and transport processes
      • Resorption disorders

Behavioral causes

Causes related to illness

Long-term drug use Environmental pollution – Intoxications (poisoning) The determination of the individual vital substance additional requirements is carried out by means of a vital substance analysis.