Infant skin rash | Skin rash on upper arm

Infant skin rash

Infants with skin rashes are always suspected of having a typical childhood disease, which is often triggered by viral pathogens. The typical representatives are chickenpox, measles, scarlet fever and rubella. The rashes are infectious and require special hygienic treatment.

There are vaccinations against some of these diseases, which make the disease unlikely to occur. Chronic skin diseases and allergies also increasingly affect small children. The extent of the skin diseases often changes until puberty and sometimes disappears completely until adulthood.


The treatment of rashes on the upper arm must be planned depending on the cause. Once the diagnosis has been made, the underlying disease can be treated causally. Anti-fungal agents or antibiotics are used for infectious diseases.

Viral infections usually heal on their own under observation. Allergic reactions subside by themselves after a short time. For prophylaxis it is important to avoid contact with the triggering allergen in the future.

In the long term, desensitization can reduce the allergic reaction. The treatment of chronic diseases such as neurodermatitis is a lengthy process. A causal cure is often not possible.

The symptomatic treatment is carried out with special ointments. In many cases, the diseases subside with the onset of adulthood.