Infections | The most common causes of dry lips


Numerous infections can also lead to cracked and dry lips. In rare cases, a fungal infection (e.g. candita albicans) on the cheek mucous membrane or on the lips can lead to a dry environment. Much more common, however, are viral infections, such as the herpes virus, which usually leads to small ulcerations on the underside of the lips and can also dry out the lips. Bacteria are less likely to cause dry and cracked lips.


The skin of the body has a protective function in addition to passing on pain and heat and cold stimuli. However, the skin of the lips is much more sensitive to the climate than the skin of the rest of the body. Cold outside temperatures in particular can lead to rapid drying of the lips. In extremely cold regions, where the outside temperature is in the two-digit minus range, unprotected lips in particular react with dehydration and painful cracking. The rapid change between cold and heat also favors dry lips.

Misuse of cosmetics

There are numerous cosmetics and creams developed for lip care by the cosmetic industry and their use is recommended several times a day. However, products containing fat in particular have the property of having the opposite effect after long use. So one can speak of a habituation effect, which develops with long application, i.e. if not more and more of the product is applied, the lips dry out. The cause of this phenomenon is not completely understood.


The body can also develop a previously unknown allergy to certain products, which often leads to the described dehydration after application. Typically, a product allergy is also combined with itching or burning.

Wound healing disorders

After injuries in the area of the mouth and the lips, wound healing disorders may occur in rare cases. There are many reasons for this. Often a diabetes mellitus can be behind it, which has not yet been discovered. Wound healing disorders are often accompanied by dry and cracked lips.