Infertility and Inability To Conceive in Men: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Many couples in Germany ardently wish to have a child, however, about 15 percent of couples are denied this wish, because either man or woman are infertile or incapable of procreation, respectively. While one speaks with the woman of the infertility, this is called with the man procreation inability.

What is procreative infertility?

Infogram on infertility in men with the characteristics of sperm. Click to enlarge. A man is said to be infertile whenever couples fail to conceive after one year of unprotected sexual intercourse. However, only a doctor can then find out whether this is due to the man or the woman. Statistics show that in 40 percent of cases, the cause lies with the man. In only 20 percent of cases, on the other hand, the cause lies with both partners.


The inability to conceive in men can have numerous causes and begins with stress to too much alcohol and smoking to drug abuse. Certain medications and excessive coffee consumption can also lead to inability to conceive. By the way, these are causes that can affect both sexes equally. In addition, there are also a number of reasons that only affect men. These include, for example, obstruction of the spermatic ducts. In this case, the testicles produce enough sperm, but their path through the vas deferens is blocked. Other men simply do not produce enough well-moving sperm (normally, one milliliter of seminal fluid should contain about 20 million sperm). Also, undescended testicles in childhood can cause later inability to conceive in men. Some diseases can also trigger this inability to conceive in men. Particularly worth mentioning here are epididymitis or urethritis. An infection with chlamydia can also cause infertility in men.

Symptoms, complaints and signs

Sometimes physical illnesses underlie infertility in men, which show up in symptoms such as pain. However, infertility often does not cause physical symptoms that can be directly grasped, such as pain. Rather, they are indirect signs that indicate that there may be an inability to conceive. For example, after a year of unprotected intercourse without the occurrence of a pregnancy, a couple should have themselves examined by a specialist for fertility problems. Complaints associated with infertility are often psychological in nature. When the desire to have a child does not come true, many of those affected develop depressive moods or even suicidal thoughts. Social isolation is a frequently described symptom on the psychological level. Affected persons often try to avoid social contacts because they want to avoid stressful situations such as questions about family planning or confrontation with the pregnancies of others. Especially in cases of long unsuccessful therapy of infertility, psychological support is often useful to avoid or break through mental illness.

Diagnosis and course

As a rule, only the urologist can make a definite diagnosis. Since the inability to procreate in men does not involve any physical complaints, this becomes apparent at the latest with the desire to have children. At the latest then most men deal with the topic of infertility. It is also possible that the man notices a sudden change in the size of the testicles or a strong increase or decrease in weight. In this case, a doctor should be consulted, because these symptoms may well indicate an inability to conceive. The doctor will first examine the patient’s medical history in detail and pay particular attention to childhood diseases, such as mumps. The man’s lifestyle habits will also be looked at closely; after all, heavy smokers are far more likely to be infertile than non-smokers. This is followed by a physical examination in which the testicles, epididymis and prostate are palpated. Likewise, the quality of the sperm is examined.


Infertility and inability to conceive in men primarily has a very negative impact on everyday life and also on the psychological state of the patient. Most of those affected suffer from a significantly lowered self-esteem and in many cases also from inferiority complexes.Those affected are ashamed of the symptoms and for this reason often do not go to a doctor. As a rule, however, infertility and inability to conceive in men does not heal itself. Likewise, the disease can possibly lead to tensions and complications in the relationship. The further course of the disease, however, depends very much on the exact cause, so that here no general prediction is possible. The treatment and its success are also very much dependent on the underlying disease. In most cases, male infertility and inability to conceive cannot be treated completely. Those affected then have to rely on other options to pursue their desire to have children. No particular complications occur. A healthy lifestyle can prevent this disease. In the case of genetic defects, prevention of the disease is not possible.

When should you go to the doctor?

In the case of infertility and inability to procreate in men, a doctor should always be consulted, as there is no independent cure for these conditions. The sooner a doctor is consulted, the better is usually the further course of this disease. In many cases, male infertility and inability to conceive is a complication of another disease, so the underlying disease should be treated first. A doctor should be contacted in the case of this disease if the affected person is unable to conceive and thus cannot fulfill a desire to have children. In many cases, infertility and inability to procreate in men can also lead to psychological upsets or depression, so that treatment and examination by a doctor should also be carried out in this case. The disease itself is usually detected and treated by a urologist. Whether there can be a complete cure in this case, can not be predicted in general.

Treatment and therapy

Treatment of infertility in men depends on the underlying cause. Many couples consciously forgo therapy and choose to either remain childless or adopt a child. However, if the desire to have a child of one’s own is too great, the many therapeutic options should be considered. It is also possible that the inability of a man to conceive is not caused by physical reasons but by psychological reasons. In this case, a consultation with a psychologist may be helpful. In the case of hormonal disorders, on the other hand, hormone therapy is very suitable. In the case of physical malpositions, such as stuck vas deferens, a simple operation can help quickly. Last but not least, artificial insemination of the wife should not go unmentioned – an option that many couples also opt for. However, the risk for multiple births is definitely given here.


The only way a man can prevent an inability to conceive is through a healthy lifestyle. Abstaining from alcohol and cigarettes can help here, as can sufficient exercise and sport. Obesity should be avoided altogether, because then the sperm cells also become sluggish. Stress should be avoided as far as possible. Inflammatory diseases must be treated as quickly as possible. It is also the responsibility of parents to take care of their male offspring. Vaccinations against mumps, rubella and measles are also particularly important here.


If there is infertility and inability to procreate in the male, this can be stressful for a partnership. If various treatment options have already been carried out and there has been no success, there are a number of points to consider for aftercare. Especially the psychological and mental aspect of an unfulfilled desire to have children must not be disregarded, as this topic can put a great strain on the affected man and his relationship with his partner. Feelings of guilt arise, one questions oneself and all this can become depressing and burdensome or even lead to depression. It makes sense to get professional help in time and to talk to a psychologist or psychotherapist about one’s own problems in order to be able to think more positively again and to look more positively into the future. Many couples find it helpful to undergo therapy as a couple in order to find solutions together for the further course of action.Alternative treatments can also help, especially if conventional medicine has not led to the desired result. There are various options that a man or the couple can try together, such as TCM, acupuncture, massage, meditation or autogenic training. Sharing experiences with other affected men or couples can be equally very helpful in processing one’s own infertility and infertility and help find alternative solutions to this problem.

What you can do yourself

After the diagnosis of infertility and inability to conceive, it is first recommended to consult a therapist or the profamilia association. The causes of infertility must be determined so that appropriate measures can be taken. In some cases, fertility can be promoted by self-help measures. For example, a change in lifestyle is recommended. Exercise and a balanced diet improve sperm quality. Infertility does not necessarily mean childlessness. Nowadays, among other options, there is the possibility of adopting a child or involving a donor. Both must be discussed with the urologist and, if necessary, with other institutions. If a physical cause is determined, treatment is based on the diagnosis. Further treatment is carried out in consultation with an experienced andrologist and a specialized fertility center. Other possible measures include a vacuum pump, a penile implant or psychotherapeutic treatment if psychological causes are suspected. Accompanying drug treatment is possible, for example to compensate for a hormone deficiency. These measures improve fertility and increase the probability of fertilization of the egg. The exact measures are based on the cause and severity of the infertility and should be discussed with a specialist.