Inflammation of tendons in the metatarsus


Inflammation of the metatarsal tendon is an acute or chronic inflammatory change in the tendons belonging to the foot muscles. For various reasons, these inflammations can impair the movement of the toes of the affected foot. In addition to conservative treatment methods, surgical treatment measures are also available in exceptional cases of emergency.


The causes of tendonitis in the metatarsus can be divided into acute and chronic causes. Acute tendonitis of the metatarsus occurs mainly due to overloading of the feet. It can happen that after a long walk the pain in the metatarsus begins.

Even if, for example, heavy loads are carried, an inflammation of the tendons of the metatarsus can occur. The unaccustomed load leads to strong friction in the area where the tendons attach to the bone, which results in the tendons becoming inflamed. Inflammation of the foot is usually painful when moving and is rather painless at rest.

In the case of very severe and advanced tendon inflammation, there may already be pain at rest in the area of the metatarsus. One of the chronic causes of inflammation of the metatarsal tendon is long-term overloading of the metatarsus. If shoes are not properly fitted and full weight-bearing is carried out at the same time, this can lead to chronic inflammation of the metatarsus tendon. Here too, the symptoms initially only start when the foot is loaded, but can then be present at rest if the inflammation is advanced.


The first symptoms of tendonitis in the metatarsal area are pain when moving the foot and toes. Since the tendons belonging to the muscles move along with the foot, calcifications cause painful friction, which can lead to inflammation and thus to further severe pain. The pain is initially only noticeable in motion because the greatest friction is caused by the movement of the muscles and tendons.

In the case of advanced inflammation, pain is already felt at rest. In addition, swelling of the back of the foot or toes can also be painful when under pressure. Mobility impairments sometimes also occur due to the swelling of the soft tissue.

In the case of advanced inflammation, pain can occur even at rest. In addition, swelling of the back of the foot or toes can also be painful due to pressure. Mobility impairments also sometimes occur due to the swelling of the soft tissue.