Inflammation of the cornea | Cornea of the eye

Inflammation of the cornea

First aid for corneal injury always depends on the type of injury. A common cause of corneal injury is foreign bodies, such as those that can be caused by improper grinding or drilling. If such foreign bodies penetrate the cornea, it can be very difficult to determine the severity of the injury.

Therefore, if the cornea is injured, an ophthalmologist should be consulted. The ophthalmologist can safely remove any foreign body still in the eye. In addition, an antibiotic is often administered, for example in the form of eye drops.

This is particularly necessary if the foreign body has brought dirt into the eye or if there is a defect in the cornea through which pathogens can penetrate. However, mechanical force alone cannot damage the cornea. Many aggressive chemicals can also damage the cornea.

The first aid in this case is a thorough rinsing of the eye with clean water. This should be done as soon as possible. Many workplaces also have special devices for rinsing the eye. An ophthalmologist should also be consulted immediately. You can find more information about eye injuries here.

Corneal detachment

The cornea of the eye forms the front wall of the eyeball. Behind it lies the front chamber of the eye. This is the space between cornea and iris.

The cornea does not rest on any tissue from which it could detach. Not to be confused with a corneal detachment is a detachment of the retina, which, however, is located elsewhere in the eye. The cornea of the eye consists of several different layers of tissue.

On the inside of the cornea there is a thin layer of cells called the endothelium. In Fuchs endothelial dystrophy, these endothelial cells die with increasing age. This probably has hereditary causes, among others.

The endothelial cells are needed for the metabolism of the cornea. This is why the cornea swells up. In this process, cell layers can become detached. In addition, the cornea can become cloudy. Even injuries to the eye can lead to the formation of fissures within the cornea.