Inflammation of the gluteal fold


Inflammations in the area of the gluteal fold/anal fold are not uncommon. Most people who visit a proctological doctor’s office for such complaints do so because of skin problems on the anus. These skin problems are in most cases caused by inflammatory processes.

Possible causes for the development of an inflammation at the portico/buttock fold range from simple hemorrhoidal disorders to extensive fistulas. Furthermore, allergies or neurodermatitis can also lead to an inflammation at the gluteal fold. In most cases, the inflammatory processes in the anal region cause pronounced discomfort for the patients concerned. The typical symptoms of an inflammation at the gluteal fold include severe itching, burning pain and weeping, sore skin. Inflammatory skin symptoms in the gluteal fold area are generally divided into three groups:

  • “irritant toxic”
  • Atopic
  • Allergic anal eczema

Causes of an inflammation of the gluteal fold

Probably the most common cause of inflammation of the gluteal fold is the so-called “hemorrhoidal disease”. The term hemorrhoid is used to describe the enlargement of the vascular cushion in the area of the rectum caused by a blood stasis. Due to the increasing increase in size of individual vessels, they sink to the bottom and exit the intestinal canal.

The pathological change in the vascular cushion can have different degrees of severity depending on the individual affected. Although the topic of hemorrhoids is a taboo subject in society and is therefore often kept quiet, it can be assumed that approximately 50 percent of German citizens suffer from such vascular changes. The causes for the development of this disease are manifold.

The most important risk factor for the occurrence of hemorrhoids with an associated inflammation of the gluteal fold is long-term high pressure on the anal area. Such an increase in pressure can be provoked, for example, by persistent constipation (constipation) and/or strong pressing during bowel movements. Furthermore, factors such as frequent sitting, overweight and lack of exercise are also considered risk factors for the development of hemorrhoids, which can lead to inflammation of the gluteal fold.

Genetic influences (heredity) also seem to play a certain role in the development of the disease. In addition to hemorrhoidal disease, an inflammation at the gluteal fold can also be associated with atopic disease. Atopic anal eczema (a variant of neurodermatitis) is even the second most common cause of inflammation of the gluteal fold. Furthermore, bacterial skin infections or fungal diseases can lead to the development of an inflammation at the gluteal fold.