Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Enteritis): Treatment and Prevention

The top priority in enteritis is to correct the loss of water and salt. This can take place with the help of tea or thin mucus soups enriched with table salt. It is also recommended to consume salt and glucose at the same time – for example, by eating salt sticks with a glass of cola. This is because glucose enables the intestinal cells to absorb electrolytes. Prepackaged liquids with the ideal composition of glucose, water and electrolytes recommended by the WHO are also available in stores.

For acute diarrhea: abstain from food.

In severe cases of intestinal inflammation (enteritis), it is necessary to refrain from any oral intake, since in case of vomiting the situation would be aggravated. Here, only intravenous administration of special solutions directly into the bloodstream can help.

During acute diarrhea, food should be avoided completely. Subsequent nourishment is provided by black tea with rusks, gruel and pureed foods. The good tolerance of the food relieves the digestive organs, at the same time provides valuable components and thus supports the self-healing process.

Medication as therapy

Symptomatic therapy for inflammatory bowel disease may include the use of constipating medications. However, the use of these agents is recommended only for the short term while traveling, as they delay the excretion of the pathogens. Antispasmodic substances should likewise not be used for a prolonged period to treat intestinal inflammation.

If at all possible, antibiotics should only be administered by a physician after the pathogen has been identified. In this way, targeted action can be taken against a germ, while sparing the natural intestinal flora. In most cases, however, the use of drugs to treat intestinal inflammation is not necessary.

Prevention of intestinal infections

With the help of a targeted approach to drinking water, food and personal hygiene, the risk of infection can be significantly reduced. This includes, especially abroad, boiling tap water, which should then also be used for brushing teeth. In addition, only original sealed drinks should be consumed and only freshly prepared, cooked or well-done food should be eaten.

Particularly in warm ambient temperatures, care should be taken with unboiled water (including ice cubes), ice cream, and cold, raw or undercooked foods (especially fish, seafood, and meat). Also a danger are sauces of any kind, salads, already pre-peeled fruits and melons, so they should be avoided.

Vaccine serums, for example against typhoid or cholera, have existed for some time. However, due to the wide variation of the pathogen, the latter in particular offers only limited protection, which is why such vaccinations are only recommended to a very limited extent, especially since every vaccine also carries a certain risk. For travelers, the rule remains “cook it, boil it, peel it, or forget it.”