Ingredients of boils ointment | Ointment for a boil

Ingredients of boils ointment

Pull ointments contain anti-inflammatory and antibacterial substances and are therefore well suited to treat small boils. The ingredients vary from ointment to ointment, often they contain the following substances: They are available in different concentrations, the less concentrated ointments are mostly prescribed for facial skin (including boils on the lip), the more concentrated ointments for deep abscesses.

  • Chloroxzlenol
  • Larch turpentine
  • Thymol
  • Shale oil

If the boil is very large, threatens to develop into a carbuncle or is located in an unfavorable place, antibiotic ointments with penicillin substances can also be prescribed.

The side effects are usually minor and are usually limited to allergic reactions. The boils ointment with penicillin is also applied to the boil and the surrounding area. Mostly the application with a cotton swab is advantageous to keep the germ transfer as low as possible.

The duration of the treatment with boils ointment is also here a few days or weeks and depends on the size of the boils. The application does not differ from the application of the pulling ointment. The amount of the applied ointment depends on the preparation and should be determined by your doctor.

Which ointments may I use during pregnancy?

During pregnancy it is often difficult to find medication that can be used without risk. Before trying out new medications during pregnancy, you should discuss them with your gynecologist or family doctor. Infusion ointments, for example, are taboo.

After consultation with the treating doctor, Betaisodona® ointment with povidone iodine can be used. There are also no contraindications for the Ilon® ointment, so that this ointment may be used in case of boils during pregnancy. In principle, antiseptic ointments such as Bepanthen® or Zinc Ointment may also be used during pregnancy according to the instructions for use. In case of doubt, ask your gynecologist or family doctor for advice or read the package insert.