Injuries to the bony structures of the knee | Diseases of the knee joint

Injuries to the bony structures of the knee

In case of a patella fracture, the patella fractures into several parts. This can result in longitudinal, transverse or mixed fractures. The therapy of a patella fracture depends on the type of fracture.

A doctor should be consulted for further diagnosis. Tibial edge syndrome is a chronic pain syndrome in the area of one or more fascial compartments of the lower leg due to imbalances between muscle and fascia caused by sports. The main symptoms of tibial fibrosis are mainly pain, initially during movement and later also at rest.

In the treatment of tibial edge syndrome, a distinction must be made between conservative and operative therapy. Reasons for a tibial contusion are very catchy. One usually contracts a bony contusion of the shin bone by striking the shin or kicking against a rigid or solid object that cannot give way. The classic symptoms of a shin bruise are pain, swelling, a bruise and a certain restriction of movement.

Diseases due to overloading and wear and tear

Cartilage damage in the knee is quite common. Mostly the damage here is caused by wear and tear.On the one hand, this wear occurs as part of a completely natural aging process. The result of this process is called arthrosis by experts.

First of all, it is important that all risk factors are eliminated or reduced as far as possible. The Springer knee is a chronic, painful, degenerative overload disease of the patella extensor apparatus at the bone-tendon transition of the patella tip. It is also known as “patellar tip syndrome“.

Patients report stress-related pain in the area of the patella tip. GonarthrosisKnee joint arthrosis refers to all degenerative (wear-related) diseases of the knee joint, which are characterized by increasing destruction of the joint cartilage with the involvement of joint structures such as bone, joint capsule and muscles close to the joint. It can have several causes and is usually initially manifested by initial pain and swelling.

In the typical patella dislocation, the patella protrudes outwards from the intended slide path. This leads to injuries of ligaments, cartilage and bone. The symptoms of a patella luxation (dislocation of the patella) are usually so typical that they allow the trained physician to make a gaze diagnosis.

In most cases, a patellar dislocation does not require any treatment, as it usually returns to its plain bearing by itself. The Shelf Syndrome occurs after overstraining, muscle imbalance or injury to the knee. It is caused by an inflammation and swelling of the mucous membrane folds (synovial folds, plicae) in the knee joint.

This can lead to pain and restricted movement in the knee joint. Three mucous membrane folds of the knee can be affected: the suprapatellar plica, the mediopatellar plica and the infrapatellar plica. However, the mediopatellar plica is by far the most frequently affected.