Insect Bites: Lab Test

1st order laboratory parameters – obligatory laboratory tests.

  • Allergological examination – including skin prick test(in case of bee/wasp anphylaxis); if necessary, basophil activation test (BAT) [If the prick test remains negative even at a concentration of 100 μg/ml, an intradermal test is indicated according to the guideline].
  • Specific IgE antibodies – e.g., to wasp or bee venom (total venom or recombinant major allergens/such as Api m 3 and Api m 10).

Laboratory parameters 2nd order – depending on the results of the history, physical examination, etc. – for differential diagnostic clarification.

  • Tryptase (mast cell tryptase), basal (in serum) – indications:
    • Allergy diagnostics [levels 12-20 μg/l indicate excessive mast cell presence].
    • Anaphylactic shock (anaphylaxis) [values 20-200 μg/l; decrease to normal within 24-48 hours]
    • Mastocytosis (rare disorder characterized by accumulations of mast cells in the skin (cutaneous mastocytosis) or internal organs/bone marrow (systemic mastocytosis)) [values 20- > 1,000 μg/l)]