Intellectual development capacity | What is a developmental anomaly?

Intellectual development capacity

Depending on the age of the child, a mental developmental disorder can be more or less clearly recognizable. Symptoms of a mental developmental disorder are reduced mental capacity, problems in understanding what is being said or in speaking itself, and slowed thinking. In addition, there are behavioural disorders at the slightest changes and a limited ability to take care of oneself. Depending on the degree of mental developmental abnormality, disturbed emotional behavior or other impairments may be present at the same time. Also interesting: speech disorders in children

Emotional abnormalities

The characteristics of developmental abnormalities depend on the degree of expression and the disturbed developmental area. Motor disturbances can be identified by comparing the affected child with children of the same age. If the child’s motor skills are clearly lagging behind, the child’s stage of development should be questioned.

Mental and emotional developmental abnormalities may be masked by the affected child using maneuvers to hide his impairments. A child who has difficulty speaking, for example, avoids this, or a child who is afraid of change and does not understand things or circumstances reacts aggressively and tearfully. Developmental problems are sometimes very difficult to detect in children. It helps to observe the children and talk to caregivers who also see the child a lot, such as kindergarten teachers, teachers or the pediatrician.