Intelligence test – Measurement of intelligence

Intelligence, intelligence test, IQ, IQ – measurement, aptitude, high aptitude, special aptitude, genius, special talent, high intelligence, highly intelligent, highly gifted, high performance, high giftedness, high giftedness and partial dysfunction, high giftedness and dyscalculia, high giftedness and dyslexia, ADHD, ADHD. engl. : intelligence test, highly gifted, highly talented, endowment, giftedness.

Intelligence tests offer – if they are subject to special quality criteria – the possibility to determine intelligence. They are conducted and evaluated by psychologists. At the end there is a value, the so-called intelligence quotient (= IQ).

The term and the possibility of measurement was developed over many years. While Galton in the 19th century promoted the measurement of intelligence, and saw intelligence as the sum of the sensitivities of the sensory organs, Binet shifted his research to the physical realm and finally introduced the concept of the age of intelligence based on his test developed at the beginning of the 20th century. Stern finally took up Binet’s state of research and developed tasks for different age groups based on this.

The children to be tested started with the questions of the lowest age group and answered the questions of the different age groups until they were no longer able to answer. The end point at which the subject was no longer able to answer the questions revealed the age of intelligence. He then determined the intelligence quotient using the following formula: Intelligence age * 100 = Intelligence quotient life age The intelligence age describes the individual intelligence level at which the child is.

This intelligence level is again defined by the age:Example: If a 12-year-old child answered only the questions that were developed for six-year-old children, this corresponds to an intelligence age of 6 years and a quite probable mental retardation (= late maturation). According to the formula, a child whose intelligence and age match would have an IQ of 100, since the resolution of the fraction would be 1, multiplied by 100 would then be 100. The above formula for calculating the intelligence quotient is still integrated into the principles of IQ determination today, but other factors are taken into account. First and foremost, each test procedure is subject to its own definition, in addition, a standard deviation was defined, which ultimately differs in English-speaking countries from the German-speaking countries.