Interactions of Femibion® | Femibion®

Interactions of Femibion®

With antiepileptic drugs, folic acid can increase the probability of seizures. With certain cancer drugs, Femibion® and the drugs can cancel each other out. Taking fluoruracil, another cancer drug, can lead to severe diarrhea.

Chloramphenicol, a broad-spectrum antibiotic, can inhibit the effect of Femibion®. Taking Femibion® and lithium at the same time can promote hypothyroidism. Femibion® is available in iodine-containing form and iodine-free form.

The iodine-containing form is useful for healthy women, as iodine is a substance which the body needs for the production of thyroid hormones. Since in Germany the table salt is iodized, deficiency symptoms are rather rare, but pregnant women have an increased need. With certain thyroid diseases, however, those affected must avoid sources of iodine and can then switch to the iodine-free Femibion® variant.

When should Femibion® not be taken?

Femibion® is a combination of dietary supplements and therefore has few absolute exclusion indications. For the iodine-containing variant of Femibion®, hyperthyroidism is considered to be an exclusion for use, as high iodine levels can damage the thyroid gland in this case. In the case of epilepsy, the doctor treating the patient should decide whether Femibion® should be taken, as some anti-epileptic drugs should not be combined with Femibion®. In the event of allergic reactions to any of the ingredients, the intake should also be stopped.

Dosage of Femibion

Femibion® is dosed in such a way that one tablet a day corresponds to the daily requirement of nutrients and vitamins of a pregnant woman. This dosage should not be exceeded either, as no additional gain is to be expected and some of the substances contained in the tablet can also be harmful if overdosed. Even without other folic acid sources in the diet, one tablet is sufficient to cover the daily requirement. Forgetting to take a tablet does not pose any problems and the tablet does not have to be made up for.