Interactions of Ibuprofen | Ibuprofen in the nursing period

Interactions of Ibuprofen

The simultaneous intake of ibuprofen and other NSAIDs increases their side effects, especially gastrointestinal complaints and gastric bleeding occur more frequently. Aspirin is generally less suitable for the treatment of pain when breastfeeding, so a combination should be avoided. Special caution is also required when taking ibuprofen and dehydrating drugs together, as well as ibuprofen and antihypertensive drugs. Kidney function is impaired by ibuprofen and can be made even worse by taking these drugs at the same time.

Contraindications of Ibuprofen in the lactation period

Counter-indications or contra-indications are mentioned when there are reasons why a drug should not be taken. One of the most important contraindications is a pregnancy in the third trimester. At this time the use of ibuprofen is not recommended.

Ibuprofen should also not be taken in the first and second trimester if there is already kidney damage or liver dysfunction. It should also not be taken by people who are prone to gastric bleeding and stomach ulcers. Heart failure, an allergy to ibuprofen and bleeding in the brain are also contraindications for ibuprofen use.

Dosage during the breastfeeding period

Studies have shown that ibuprofen can only be detected in breast milk and consequently in the child’s bloodstream at very high doses. This is why ibuprofen can be taken in low to medium doses during the breastfeeding period for pain and inflammation without hesitation.However, if higher doses of ibuprofen have to be taken and it is not possible to switch to another drug, the package insert states that consideration should be given to discontinue breast-feeding early. Higher doses are usually mentioned from about 1600 mg a day.

However, there are also some voices in the medical community that say that ibuprofen may be taken in higher doses during breastfeeding, subject to a careful risk-benefit assessment. It is therefore advisable to consult your family doctor, pediatrician or gynecologist who knows you well. This doctor can then decide individually, taking into account all the health facts, whether or not ibuprofen can be taken in higher doses. Regardless of the dosage, ibuprofen can be taken for any kind of pain and inflammation during breastfeeding.