Interactions with other drugs | Vomex®

Interactions with other drugs

If additional medication is taken that prolongs the QT time in the heart (see package insert), cardiac arrhythmia may occur. Therefore, compatibility with other medications should be checked by a doctor or pharmacist. Together with alcohol, antidepressants, neuroleptics and strong (opioid-containing) painkillers and sleeping pills, the damping and sleep-promoting effect is intensified.

Application in pregnancy and lactation

No damage to the unborn child is to be expected. In the last trimester (from the 7th month of pregnancy onwards) Vomex® should be avoided, as it has a contraction-promoting effect.It should not be taken during the breastfeeding period.


Vomex® should not be taken with – Allergy/ hypersensitivity to antihistamines – in acute asthma attacks – narrow-angle glaucoma – phaeochromocytoma – in benign prostatic hyperplasia (benign enlargement of the prostate) with residual urine – seizures Special care should also be taken in the case of cardiac arrhythmia, liver dysfunction, long QT syndrome, as well as in chronic asthma and narrowing of the stomach outlet (pyloric stenosis).