Interesting facts about herniated discs | Exercises for a herniated disc

Interesting facts about herniated discs

A disc is about 0.04 cm. thick and contains fluid. They lose fluid when pressure is applied.

This diffusion process takes place daily. In the case of a herniated disc, parts of the disc protrude into the spinal canal. In this case the fibrous cartilage ring (Anulus fibrosus) tears partially or completely.

The posterior longitudinal ligament (ligamentum longitudinale) is not always affected by this injury (subligamentary disc herniation). The protrusion or exit of disc tissue can cause pressure on nerve roots of the spinal nerve (nerve root compression). This pressure causes the frequently observed pain.

However, some recent studies also suggest that inflammatory reactions of the body trigger pain. Radiation of pain into certain areas (so-called dermatomes) indicates the affected lumbar vertebra or intervertebral disc. For example, damage in lumbar vertebra 3 typically radiates into the lower half of the thigh and into the knee.

There are a variety of factors that favor a herniated disc. One-sided postures, lack of exercise, overweight, weakness of the paravertebral muscles, listhesis (spondylolistesis) and many more can weaken the intervertebral discs. The sharp increase in herniated disks today is probably due to our changed working environment.

More and more professions are performed sitting in front of the PC. These one-sided postures and also the lack of exercise in leisure time lead to the cartilage tissue of the intervertebral discs breaking down due to lack of load and thus losing its elasticity. Overloading and incorrect lifting can also lead to a slipped disc, as the discs are very strongly compressed in this case.

The health insurance companies have reacted to this and subsidize a so-called back school.

  • The most common is the lumbar disc herniation; here the discs in the lower lumbar region are affected. The lumbar disc herniation occurs about 10 times more frequently. The classic age of onset of the disease is usually 40 years.