Intestinal cleansing | Fasting cure and crash diet

Intestinal cleansing

Intestinal cleansing is the deliberate provocation of more liquid stool or even diarrhea.The intestine is supported in the removal of stool and intestinal contents. In addition, the liquid contents may also carry other substances that stick to the intestinal wall and thus cleanse the intestine. Whether the intestine can do this without liquefaction is controversial and not sufficiently clarified.

What is certain, however, is that the body is supported by the support of the removal and more energy and strength is available for other activities or regeneration. There are different possibilities of intestinal cleansing. Often oral laxatives are given for this purpose.

These differ in less aggressive methods, such as certain teas, juices or psyllium seeds, and stronger laxatives, such as Glauber’s salt or Epsom salts. In addition to oral laxatives, there is also the possibility of approaching the matter literally from the other side by using enemas. Here, liquid is passed several times through a hose system from a water bag into the intestine, thereby rinsing it out.

However, this application is usually described as rather unpleasant and requires some practice at the beginning. With an enema, liquid is introduced into the intestine via the anus using a hose system and a kind of pump. This leads to the liquefaction of the stool and has a draining and cleansing effect when used several times.

Enemas are used during a fasting cure in the second phase, the fasting period. The aim of enemas is to provide additional support for intestinal cleansing and to promote detoxification and release of waste products. The theory of the chamfered means that materials and Kotreste in the intestine settled and cannot be removed.

These are rinsed out by the pure liquid intake and by enemas. Since the intestine must hardly work when chamfered, an enema can be very recommendable, in order to promote the intestine activity and ensure a cleaning of the intestine. Which could also interest you: EnemaGlaubersalz or chemically “sodium sulfate” is a strong laxative powder, which is used in medicine for constipation and before intestinal operations.

It has an “osmotic” effect in the body, i.e. it attracts water, which is why it strongly liquefies the intestinal contents. In order to counteract the high loss of water through the stool, one should drink a lot during the treatment. Glauber salt is dissolved in water and then drunk. It usually takes about three hours until the effect is felt. To reduce the unpleasant taste, another glass of water should be available for neutralization.