Intestinal Infarction (Mesenteric Infarction): Complications

The following are the major diseases or complications that may be contributed to by mesenteric infarction (bowel infarction):

Infectious and parasitic diseases (A00-B99).

  • Sepsis (blood poisoning)

Mouth, esophagus (food pipe), stomach, and intestines (K00-K67; K90-K93).

  • Intestinal gangrene with transit peritonitis – damage to the intestine due to inadequate supply leading to peritonitis.
  • Ileus (intestinal obstruction)

Symptoms and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings not elsewhere classified (R00-R99).

  • Multi-organ failure (MODS, multi-organ dysfunction syndrome; MOF: multiple organ failure) – simultaneous or sequential failure or severe functional impairment of multiple vital organ systems of the body.