Intuition: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Medical psychology understands intuition as mental inputs or thoughts from the subconscious that do not seem to be subject to the rational mind. Such ideas, gut feelings or flashes of thought cannot be explained rationally. It is therefore assumed today that intuitive inputs are the language of the subconscious mind.

What is intuition?

In medical psychology, intuition is mental input or thoughts from the subconscious mind that do not appear to be subject to the rational mind. The ability to allow and use intuition varies greatly among individuals. Due to negative beliefs, many people have forgotten to think intuitively and to listen to intuition as the language and expression of the unconscious mind, and then to act on it. Intuition is by definition always to the point, clear and simple. There is also nothing mysterious, paranormal or magical about intuition. It is true that the power of the subconscious is enormous, because it determines not only the life functions, but partly also the conscious actions of a person, without him thinking further about it. The intuition comes as a gut feeling directly from the subconscious, it is a direct impulse, whose origin or emergence can not be rationally justified, that is, with the mind. Albert Einstein therefore also called intuition the language of the soul. From a psychological point of view, it seems to be beneficial for the development of a person to listen to and trust one’s own intuition. But this is exactly what most people find difficult.

Function and task

Of course, an intuitive impulse also always comes about because of a person’s knowledge base. But it is, according to today’s medical-psychological knowledge, just much more than experiential knowledge. Intuition is able to compose all possible fantasies and impressions to a picture of reality in the shortest time. Conscious listening to such inner intuitions can therefore be very helpful and beneficial for the development of a person on his path through life. The root of the term ‘intuition’ is Latin, ‘intueri’, and can be translated as ‘to recognize’, ‘to look at’ or ‘to look at’. Intuition, therefore, ultimately means self-knowledge about one’s own existence, about the potential of possibilities in one’s own life. The benefit to a person of listening to his or her own intuition is primarily that it is actually a sense perception. This means, then, that intuition can be perceived on one or more levels at the same time. Intuitive intuitions can be perceived through all five senses, tasting, smelling, feeling, hearing and seeing. Intuition thus offers the individual the possibility to experience and perceive the outer and inner world more deeply and on a different level. The well-known psychologist C.G.Jung also considered intuition to be a fundamental human function. He was already convinced at the time that intuition explores the unknown and, above all, allows one to sense possibilities that have not yet been visible in a person’s objective life. If a person now follows his intuition, then he can make use of these inclinations and desires hidden deep in his soul by letting them become reality. For C.G. Jung, intuition is a cognitive function, indeed a kind of psychic organ, which has the tremendous potential to grasp the truth of an individual in its entirety. Psychologically, then, intuition does not come from individual parts to the whole, but it grasps the whole directly.

Diseases and ailments

In the vocabulary, due to its importance and ubiquity, many synonyms exist for the psychological concept of intuition. Whenever, for example, one speaks of the sixth sense, of a right nose, of a flash of thought, of an inner intuition, of a hunch, of gut feeling or instinct, ultimately nothing else is meant than intuition. This intuitive perception is an innate, natural ability of every human being. It actually permeates all areas of life and yet many people do not dare to consistently listen to their intuition. The ability to intuition is therefore often buried, lying fallow. However, it can be effectively trained.Any training of intuitive abilities aims at the individual perception of one’s own feelings and impulses. Various psychological methods are available for this purpose. The human mind always clings to exact planning or control, but those who follow their intuition considerably expand their own scope for action. Because intuition is the basis for creativity and further development. Those who follow the path of their own intuition will notice that new experiences based on intuition leave a very positive impression on their own well-being. With the help of so-called somatic markers, positive feedback from the subconscious after intuitive decisions can be directional for the further path of life. This means that intuition expresses itself directly in physically verifiable reactions. The somatic markers are always of a vegetative nature. As a starting indication that someone is on the right path by allowing intuitive feelings, vegetative symptoms such as sweaty hands, muscle twitching, an increased heart rate or increased blood pressure can occur. An inner joyful excitement is also considered a positive starting cue of intuition. In contrast, muscular tension can be an expression of a negative intuition that something is out of balance or out of order.