Investigation | MRI of the ankle joint


Before the MRI examination, the patient should remove all metal objects and clothing. Changing rooms are usually available for this purpose, in which the (valuable) items can be safely stored. In addition, the physician should be informed about possible implants, tattoos and other (non-removable) jewelry in a preliminary consultation.

Depending on the implant, its size and location, MRI imaging may not be possible for the patient. During the imaging of the ankle joint the patient should not wear shoes. Wearing socks and trousers (without zipper, buttons, etc.)

is usually not a problem. Depending on the practice or clinic, the patient will be provided with clothing (including a T-shirt, surgical shirt, net pants, etc.) After all metallic objects and clothing have been placed on the patient, the ankle joint to be examined is fitted with a coil.

This coil surrounds the ankle joint and serves to register the radio waves that are crucial for imaging. The patient is then pushed into the MRI tube feet first. Normally, it is sufficient for the examination of the ankle joint that the patient is pushed into the tube approximately at the level of the thigh.

In this case, the upper body and head are outside the tube. The doctor should be informed about claustrophobia before the examination. The examination of the ankle joint does not take longer than 20 to 30 minutes, depending on the question.

During this period, the patient should not move if possible in order to guarantee good image quality. To distract and calm the patient is given headphones to distract him from the loud noise of the MRI machine, among other things. The administration of a sedative is also possible.

The examination of the ankle usually takes no longer than 20 to 30 minutes.The duration depends on the issue at hand (injury, inflammation, cartilage wear), the position required for this and the image quality. The quality of the images depends, among other things, on how still the affected foot is held during the examination. Movements of the patient can lead to blurred images, which is why a new image must be taken.

If it is planned to administer a contrast agent during the examination, this will take a little more time. After the imaging is performed, a debriefing session with a physician will take place to discuss the new findings gained from the examination. What might also be of interest to you: Duration of various MRI examinations