Iron Deficiency: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Iron deficiency, or the lack of iron, occurs when a person cannot absorb enough iron from food. The deficiency is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, some of which can even be threatening.

What is iron deficiency?

A blood test of iron levels is used by doctors to further diagnose various diseases. Iron deficiency is said to occur when the ferritin level in the blood reaches a value that is too low. Ferritin is a substance that serves as a store for iron. If there is not enough of it, iron deficiency occurs. The skin of those affected becomes pale, nails become brittle and form grooves, hair falls out more frequently, and there may be small, white bumps at the corners of the mouth known as rhagades. Other common signs are headaches, dizziness, concentration problems, increased fatigue and an unstable psyche. The patient with iron deficiency is no longer able to cope with physical and mental stress, since iron is important for oxygen transport – it is incorporated into hemoglobin. Without oxygen, the body generally no longer functions properly.


Most often, iron deficiency is due to a poor diet of the affected person. He does not consume enough food that contains iron in such a form that the body can integrate it into the metabolism. Industrial ready-made foods often bring about a deficiency of iron, because the amounts contained are often insufficient for daily needs and cannot be absorbed properly anyway due to heavy processing. Infants who are fed ready-made milk that is not fortified with iron have an increased risk of one day developing iron deficiency. Ovo- or lacto-vegetarians and vegans are also particularly at risk, as they simply lack the iron-containing meat and cannot always cover their needs with the help of vegetables. However, internal bleeding over a longer period of time, such as that caused by ulcers or tumors, is also a possibility. Pregnant women also often suffer from iron deficiency, as well as women in general due to excessive menstrual bleeding.

Symptoms, complaints and signs

A short-term iron deficiency does not usually result in any major complaints. Those affected feel tired and fatigued, but these symptoms disappear again as soon as the body is supplied with sufficient nutrients. Chronic iron deficiency is manifested by a drop in performance, usually associated with forgetfulness, concentration problems and headaches. This is often accompanied by nervousness and inner restlessness. In addition, those affected no longer feel any appetite and suffer from various gastrointestinal complaints. In addition, there are swallowing difficulties, heartburn and a burning tongue. In severe cases, attacks of weakness may occur. Disturbances in heat regulation are also among the typical signs. There is also an increased susceptibility to infections. Externally, iron deficiency can be recognized by pale skin and mucous membranes. The skin is also unusually dry and injuries occur more quickly. On the lips and the corners of the mouth, this is noticeable by cracks, injuries and inflammations. In the case of iron deficiency, the nails are also brittle and show typical white spots. There is severe hair loss, and the remaining hair is dull and brittle. In general, iron deficiency evokes a strong feeling of illness accompanied by a series of internal and external signs.

Diagnosis and course

Iron deficiency is diagnosed by the ferritin value in the blood: the doctor will therefore order the collection of a small amount of blood. The iron value would be much too unsteady to actually diagnose a deficiency. Ferritin, on the other hand, as a storage substance, is only present in as large a quantity as it is needed. The norm of ferritin levels differs, of course, in people of different ages and sexes. Iron deficiency usually presents itself so insidiously that one does not notice the pathological symptoms and signs until the deficiency is already advanced. Furthermore, the symptoms are only threatening if, for example, fainting occurs – this is not common, but only jolts most sufferers awake to be examined by a doctor.


Iron deficiency can cause several complications. One possible sequela is anemia, which occurs predominantly when there is a severe loss of iron or when the disease is chronic.Such anemia leads to an underproduction of red blood cells and, as a consequence, to severe fatigue and headaches, among other symptoms. In addition, pronounced skin changes such as brittle fingernails and torn corners of the mouth may occur. If the condition persists for a long time, cardiovascular problems such as palpitations and chest pains also occur. Rarely, membranous structures form in the esophagus, associated with difficulty swallowing and shortness of breath. As a result of iron deficiency can also occur the so-called pica syndrome, in which there are nocturnal muscle cramps, thin fingernails and a strong desire earth or starch. In women, iron deficiency can lead to the absence of menstruation and thus to further complications. Pregnant women with iron deficiency have an increased risk of premature birth or stillbirth. In children and the elderly, possible anemia can also lead to circulatory collapse. When iron deficiency is treated with the help of iron supplements, a temporary blackening of the stool may occur. Furthermore, there is a risk of allergies and intolerance to the prescribed supplements.

When should you see a doctor?

If symptoms such as headaches, cold hands or feet, and low blood pressure are noticed, there may be an underlying iron deficiency. A visit to the doctor is recommended if the symptoms do not subside despite a change in diet. If the symptoms are severe, a doctor should be consulted immediately. Warning signs such as muscle cramps, fatigue and vision problems indicate an advanced iron deficiency – in this case, you should talk to a doctor immediately. If complications such as heart palpitations, chest pain or shortness of breath occur, this is a medical emergency. The nearest clinic must be consulted immediately. This also applies if fingernails become deformed, unusual ringing in the ears is noticed or menstrual cramps occur. Pregnant women should seek medical advice at the first sign of iron deficiency. The same applies to diabetes patients, people with immune deficiencies and the elderly or sick. Anyone belonging to these risk groups should have an iron deficiency clarified quickly. If the symptoms occur as part of the underlying disease, it is best to contact the doctor in charge. Iron deficiency is generally unproblematic, provided that the complaints are treated early.

Treatment and therapy

In the long term, treatment consists of a change in diet. Dietary iron deficiency is cured by pointing out to the affected person which foods contain a lot of iron. He eats these more and prevents iron deficiency from occurring again. Spices such as parsley, spearmint or thyme contain a lot of iron as soon as they are dried, but also cocoa, pork and veal liver, soybeans or amaranth. In addition, depending on the age, the patient is prescribed iron supplements, but they must not be overdosed. Vitamin C can improve the absorption of iron; that is, the absorption by the body. It already helps to drink orange juice, which is unsweetened and natural. In cancer patients with iron deficiency, one often also works with iron infusions, which can lead to an abrupt improvement of the condition. Vegetarians and vegans need to prevent iron deficiency by choosing the right vegetables if they do not want to go back to eating meat. Non-pregnant women may be given regulating hormones.

Outlook and prognosis

A good prognosis for iron deficiency depends partly on detecting it as early as possible and partly on what causes it. Once the cause has been investigated and iron deficiency diagnosed, it can usually be treated very well. A normal iron deficiency caused by an unbalanced diet, after bleeding or surgery, during pregnancy or in competitive sports can be treated unproblematically with special iron supplements. It becomes more difficult if it is caused by a chronic gastrointestinal disease or a tumor. Treatment with iron supplements usually improves an iron deficiency within 3 to 6 weeks, but the supplements should continue to be taken for about half a year so that the iron stores are sufficiently replenished. During this time, the blood is repeatedly examined in order to regularly check the iron levels and to be able to detect any hidden bleeding.If the number of red blood cells has increased significantly after about 1 week of intake, the prognosis is good. If symptoms still occur after taking iron supplements for several weeks, reexamination is needed to see if there are other diseases that still need to be treated.


The best way to prevent an iron deficiency is to pay attention to proper nutrition. This can prevent iron deficiency caused by diet. Pregnant women should see a gynecologist in time and have their blood tested regularly to detect even a mild iron deficiency and have it treated before it causes serious damage.


Follow-up care aims to prevent the recurrence of iron deficiency. This is usually the patient’s responsibility after successful initial therapy. He chooses an appropriate diet. Fish, meat, poultry and nuts are best suited to cover the requirement. On the other hand, black tea, coffee and milk should be avoided. But vitamins are also a must in the diet. Several portions of fruits and vegetables should be consumed daily. An iron deficiency due to an unbalanced diet, surgery, pregnancy or competitive sports can be countered with the measures listed. A doctor diagnoses iron deficiency via blood tests. The so-called ferritin value provides an adequate conclusion. In addition, the typical symptoms provide a clue. Longer follow-up care is usually necessary if a gastrointestinal disease or a tumor is causing the iron deficiency. Iron supplements should be taken as prescribed. Regular blood tests follow. However, complications cannot be prevented. The timing of diagnosis is crucial to the success of treatment. The earlier the iron deficiency is detected, the better the prognosis. Therefore, individuals should definitely consult a doctor in case of persistent fatigue, constant headaches and permanent difficulty concentrating. This is especially true for patients who have been affected by iron deficiency before.

What you can do yourself

Affected individuals with an iron deficiency can counteract it by changing their diet. There should be sufficient iron in the foods they eat. Meat, fish, poultry as well as nuts are excellent. In particular, it makes sense to eat high-quality meat and fish. The naturally occurring iron in meat can be absorbed better than that in plant foods. Nevertheless, there are numerous plant foods available that are significant. Herbs and spices are worth mentioning. Parsley is rich in iron and vitamin C. Vitamin C ensures a significantly better absorption of the plant iron. Anyone who is affected by an iron deficiency should completely avoid milk, coffee and black tea. These products hinder the absorption of iron. Still water, on the other hand, is ideal. In addition, it is recommended to take a biological micronutrient complex daily. With iron and vitamin C, this supports an optimal cell supply. Ideally, it also contains all the B vitamins and trace elements. Affected individuals should select a product in liquid form. This should be made from natural foods. This is the only way to ensure an optimal supply of essential vitamins and minerals.