Is a cure possible? | End-stage liver cancer

Is a cure possible?

A cure for liver cancer is possible in some cases if the cancer is found at a very early stage and it is easily accessible in an operation, so it can be easily removed. End-stage liver cancer, on the other hand, cannot be cured. In this case, unfortunately, the cancer and the decay of the liver are too far advanced to be cured.


In order to determine the exact stage of the cancer, a series of examinations and tests are carried out to find the best possible therapy. This includes above all the blood test. This involves looking for certain proteins that are produced in the liver in order to assess the functional performance of the liver.

In addition, there is a certain protein (AFP), which can be regularly determined as a so-called tumor marker and provides information about the progression of the cancer. In addition to blood tests, imaging procedures are also an important part of assessing the stage of liver cancer. In addition to simple procedures such as ultrasound, complex procedures such as computer tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are also used. Only by combining all of these examination results with the physically perceived symptoms can the exact stage of liver cancer be assessed.